I didn't see a ebook download section so.. i posted it here. Interested in computers? Need help making your computer faster? Understand what is the term "overclocking"? Then this is for you: http://www.megaupload.com/ ?d=ZUTMI1XS Steps: 1. Type in verification code 2. Wait for countdown. 3. Press DL 4. Ignore the two popups that spawn out and your ready to start!
overclocking is basically increasing the voltage to your cpu therby making it faster. Problem with that is that the computer becomes very hot and you need to get a better cpu cooler. I would use Waterfall to check the comp temperature and use SoftFSB to overclock. True story I increased my P4 2.4 gigahertz to 3.6 gigahertz before the screen began flickering. I also overclocked my Geforce 5200 video card from 128 mb to like 320 mb. The computer was really hot though. I reset it back afterwards.
i know what over clocking is.. i was just wondering if the link he has there is just a pdf of instructions or something.. i dont know i would assume so since i read "ebook"
lol you cant increase your memory from "overclocking", you can increase the gpu speed or memory speed, etc. The physical memory is a physical property, so unless you stuck on more ram to your board (which is practically impossible) you prob just increased some speed
This is fails, you don't have to increase your voltage at all to overclock. Depending on the brand (intel,amd, ati, nvidia, etc) you can just change a curtain part to increase the speed. Lets take intel: Changing the Front Side Bus (FSB) would result in a faster cpu but other factors come into play like multiplier and limited (sometimes adding more voltage can increase the speed furter but can result in a died cpu.) adjustment on multipier. The amount of memory can't be increase from an overclock but the speed in which it operate can. I HIGHLY RECOMMAND that you do your research before trying this since it could frie your pc.