Hmm...i like the classy with a bit of modern look on dunno..the gangsta look is kinda too old for
Oh man, don't even get me started on the vest + white t-shirt + denim combo. I swear that sh1t is even worse than the flare pants + track jacket + trucker hat combo. You see saggy pants and you think gangsta? You're more ignorant than a rapper.
wow.. if i compare my wardrobe from grade 9 to now, its like a timeline... grade 9: baggy pants (10 sizes bigger than me lol) grade 10: fob.. viet fob that is... like... white dress shirt and dress pants.. (what the hell was i thinking.... i hate it now lol) grade 11: semi rocker... i think most of my clothes were black.. with skater shoes.. and big t-shirts... grade 12-present: casual. loose fit jeans, tighter tees, sometimes polos, nice pattern dress shirts.. like the mexx type (as opposed to plain dress shirts like before).. and some times just plain casual.. like loose fit jeans, and fit sweaters as opposed to "the big and tall" sweathers lol
Hm, no mean to offend. But the jacket is too long, you can take out at least 2-4 inches from the bottom, same goes for the sleeves, off 1-2 inches will make it a much better fit. The photo didn't show up well enought for me to see if it's a 2-button or 3-button -- either way, next time you get a jacket get something with a shorter lapel (and possibly less button) -- it makes the look more steamlined. And white Tee with suit jacket is totally overrated. I have yet to see a white cool enough not to look like undershirt =_=b But I like your jeans
Yea the suit was meant for my cousins wedding so i had to buy it in short notice so i got it a bit big
agree. and same goes for the girls too. everybody should dress how they want too. --- hmm i like guys who dress like this haha ^_^
dude, dresses like a girl no offense. casshern, don't the levi stf 501's bleed alot? if im correct, i feel sorry for your clots
That's the price you pay for raw denim. In theory, they should bleed a lot because they're unwashed, raw denim, so there will be tons of excess indigo salivating over your sneakers. I haven't had any problems with mine though. Plus, I don't usually wear them with white sneakers, and only when the weather is dry. That's a guy? ....blindly.
so i still dunt get this thing goin does all guyz dress that that? (all of the above?) wow....
lol is there something wrong with how i dress, phy phy? hehe anyone notice all the ly-see packages taped to my wall? hahaha yay for new years no no...i dunt wanna be killed wif an unimportant comment of jsut stating all teens like to dress like that...correct me if in wrong...