What physical attributes turns you off from the opposite gender? I mean things that can actually be HELPED. Not things like height, voice, nose, mouth ect. which often cannot be fixed (unless through plastic surgery or something). I don't like it when guys leave their nails long. It grosses me out so bad. No offence, but why do some guys like to keep their nails long, or is it just lazyness? Also I don't understand the purpose of putting 10 ounces of gel your hair.
I don't like it when girls wear too much make up. I'm not a fan of long fingernails either, they just don't see anything wrong with it.
Improper use of make-up, some girls put too much make-up on. Wearing improper clothing, hairstyle, etc Here is a sample: -shock -dead
ok if you are talking about the opposite gender, than you must be a boy and if you enjoy lesbians, um, your not getting action in that situation
Without repeating what the other posters have already said, I try to to avoid females who attest to any of the following: -Fatness (Yes, it CAN be helped!) -Acne (Yes, it CAN be helped!) -Straight black hair with a split down the middle -Dark lip liner (WTFYOULOOKRETARDED) -Drawn in eyebrows (WTFYOULOOKMEXICAN) -Unruly eyebrows (There's this one cute chick in my English class, but her eyebrows turn me off! They're spread out all over her face, like someone plucked them, and just threw them back at her face and they stuck. No joke.) -Messy/dirty hair (Stop putting that baby oil sh1t in your hair) -Dry bleached hair (Stop trying to look European) -Dirty/fake long @$$ fingernails (Don't touch me with that sh1t.) -Dirty/ugly clothes/shoes (See you later.) -Upper lip hair (GOOD BYE.) Oh, BTW, REAL LESBIAN COUPLES ARE NOT HOT. True story.
- bad skin, specially dry ones (and yes, acne is a sin; but put on some moisturizer can you?) - diamond studs that look heavy - unibrow or unkempt brow (go get a tweezer, you are not tarzan) -- but I think I said that already - high maintainence looking in general (too much hair product) -- if I suspect he locked himself in the washroom for 3 hours before he head out? That's just annoying. I like people who look like real people, not someone who walk out from a Men's Non-no or GQ - slouching -- bad posture goes a long way down my list These two are quite important too, though not exactly "physical" but definitely can be helped: - overly tight clothes (this goes for both top and slacks, and for girls too) - hats indoor (it's a sin, says a lot about his manner) WORD. But I guess guys just think it's twice the fun, don't they?