We'll still be a forum its just more benifits and features for everyone with a social system intergrated. In the future forums wont be just forums, we see that vision and work towards it early The hard part is how many of you are going to make a profile and post pics up? other then kdotc
I think we should have the rep feature... so instead of thanks button, the members could thank other people's stuff on some of the download sections. Then when some people have the right amount of +rep points, they can access to the rest of the download sections. I have seen some other forums have that feature, and it works out quite well... Plus is nice to see your +rep power growing fm time to time.
^ What like this other forum where u have to reply with a thanx or something to be able to see the links ^^
Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Like this... I think the steps & screenshots explain itself... And then you can gain accress to the other download sections or something... -cool
i mnot sure i understand, so somebody has to click on your reputation to increase your reputation? -huh?
Yeah... not just somebody. It can be the ones with higher +rep points, they can also rep each other as well. Those pics are my own screenshots I took fm other forum I registered, I upload stuff on there, and if others think is good & like it, then they can +rep me by clicking that button, as the reputation points increase more and more. I get to access the hidden download sections that noob/leechers can't get into. On the other hand, if someone upload crappy stuff, I can de-rep him/her, so he/she get a negative rep-points, then slower he/she can't access the hidden download sections at all forever until someone rep him/her a positive rep point. -unsure
It has a limit, u can only rep one person once after u have to go though 10 others in order to rep him/her again. And the noobs/newbie cant really... cause all they do is leech, so no rep for them ever. Plus in the other forum, I dont randomly rep people, only the person did upload good stuff deserve my +rep.
I haven't browsed through all of the 25 pages of suggestions made on this thread, but PA definitely needs to be hosted on a faster server.. as it takes 20-30 seconds just to get into this forums, sometimes longer (not mentioning the load-up time between each click into the thread/sub-forums).
I vote for Red and White!!! by the time it gets changed it would have been summer already!!! Red n White!! Red n White!!!
changing the layout is a tedious work as we've got forum mods installed and have to customize the forum again. i spent nearly 25 hours myself not to mention b-lee getting it right. The biggest update + site change would be to incorporate a social networking site with the forum. This will happen in the next few months after we get a new server and hopefully that would kick ass!
aww damn.. I thought it was just a matter of switchin colors.. =( lol oh well.. anxious to see the "big update"