其實我都覺得打的口語(廣東話)好困難.雖然那樣子才算是[我手寫(打)我心] 我都覺,不過若果連lab都可以打中文的話我絕對會乜都唔做淨係掛住玩(雖然家陣都已經掛住玩架啦...) 哈哈哈...可以練打中文既thread不死~
I am a Chinese but my parent sent me to English school. I can speak Chinese Hokkien and Mandarin and love listen to Mandarin and Cantonese Song and Movies. but I can't read and write in Chinese. Now I find it so difficult to learn even the first few easy word. I hope I will be able to improve after joining this board. I will only watch movies if there is an English sub-titles.
Haha.. I should have seen this thread earlier.. then I wouldn't have posted a thread on Chinese poems.. Didn't know that most users in this forum can't read Chinese characters. N for those who do, they type in Cantonese style.. I dun understand.. >.< 我從小學華文,寫的是漢字,用的是漢語拼音,講的是華語,香港人稱之為普通话。 I learn the Chinese Language from young. I write in Chinese characters, using 'han4 yu3 pin4 yin1'. I speak Mandarin, which is known as 'pu3 tong1 hua4'. Notice that the Chinese language is called 華文 'hua2 wen2'. But the spoken language is called 華語 'hua2 yu3'. Haha.. feels like i'm giving some lesson or sth... and this is really tiring.. typing this post took me more than half an hour. Nice to practise typing these characters once in a while.
wow.. cantonese version is so much shorter.. too bad I can't understand. Some Cantonese movies uses that kind of subtitles.. so hard to understand the slangs. what does 唔 mean?
You are right that the Cantonese is much shorter, but I suspect it's coz I speak Cantonese myself and I know all the short forms and slangish terms -- I am sure a Mandarin speaker can say the same thing in a very short sentence too! Anyways, I am at the lab again so I don't get to type Chinese. But 唔 means 不, in most contexts (I am thinking very hard for contexts that it means anything else, but coming up blank doesn't mean 不 is its only meaning) eg:唔好=不好, however, just 唔 itself can indicate the sound of thinking (or non-thinking) such as "hmmm". Serious.
o.. i see.. thanks. Its such a common word used in cantonese. Wonder when I can understand completely
I have terrible command of the pin yin, but if you can provide me with the context (a sentence to be translated perhaps?) I may be able to deduce the word you want to type and help you...