wintertime: T-shirt and pj pants or sweatpants xD under like 2 blankets ;P summer- shorts, tanktop or t shirt or just a big t shirt hehe it be mad hot
1. sunglasses 2. must style my hair before going to sleep 3. a huge watch that glow in the dark 4. ak47 5. sunflower seeds 6. gangsta boxers 7. 2, count TWO, sweaters all year round Also, I have to listen to country/rap/techno hybrid music before going to sleep
naked is the best choice. Don't have to take off anything when nature calls in the wee---morning. However winter is bitter.. you really need a comforter.
i just wear pyjamas >.< all my dutch friends sleep in shorts :S its so annoying sleeping "naked" like that. tried a few times