Getting picked on...

Discussion in 'The Rant Section' started by secluded, Mar 15, 2007.

  1. AC0110

    AC0110 Let the Fun Begin

    Richmond Hill area... So Pacific Mall aint the cloest and not specially enjoy going that place as there is nothing to buy... Haha
  2. adrianc

    adrianc Well-Known Member

    Yo. I just saw ur biblography of urself.

    Sorry u had to go through all that all by urself.

  3. nunubutt

    nunubutt Well-Known Member

    i was gonna post something drastic like so... next time theey throw something.... if you've ever seen the steaven seagull movie (excuse my spelling its late), where he's on the train, characters name is casey ryback... where the daughter uses her thumb to push inbetween the jaw where it attaches to your skull, basically use your left thumb and jam it there, then use your right hand and grab their balls. (make sure they're not in a gang first, and and before u do this, yell really loud, and tell them to stop watever they're doing,) then breathe really hard, and start drooling and frothing from your mouth and shake, then slowly slow down your breathing and go back to your desk, and hold the corners, shake some more, and just stay jittery for the rest of class.... i guess wat im saying is act crazy and un predictable.

    but then i saw you were in NY, and well maybe no physical encounters is better. I guess just ignore it. Or better yet, wen they throw lit papers at you...just add more paper
    and start a fire and maybe when u join them in lighting fires they'll stop.
  4. lol everybody said to act crazy.. who cares if it's in NY.. they're asian like him.. trying to start shit.. i mean somebody's got to stand in front of 'em...
  5. nunubutt

    nunubutt Well-Known Member

    yea but is it worth your life over it?
  6. adrianc

    adrianc Well-Known Member

    Go tell ur mommy :)
  7. secluded

    secluded Well-Known Member

    Well, I finally cracked. I was using the bathroom today in school and one of them came in and started taunting me while lighting up a cigerette. Finally, I couldn't take it anymore and after I was finished I ran up to the guy took the cig right out of his mouth and kneed him in the gut hard. I guess he was surprised or something, but I just left him in there after saying something like, "Don't -censored with me, -censored !"

    Now I wonder what's gonna happen tomorrow -unsure
  8. kdotc

    kdotc 안녕하세요빅뱅K-Dragon입니다

    just in case i suggest u bring a knife with ur or extendo... =).
  9. secluded

    secluded Well-Known Member

    lol nah, that won't be needed. He's probably too embarrased or ashamed to tell anyone that I did that to him considering...most people at school think I'm really really weak with no fighting capabilities whatsoever.
  10. kdotc

    kdotc 안녕하세요빅뱅K-Dragon입니다

    ask a buddy to video tape u beating him next time...u said he follow u to the washroom?? pee on him next time
  11. secluded

    secluded Well-Known Member

    I'm not that mean ;)

    I'm sure that I surprised him a little and that makes me a little happier xD I guess being short and seemingly weak does have its advantages at some point.
  12. ahahhaha... that's hella funny.. DON'T F*** With Me!!! -lol -rotfl somebody got a hurt really bad... good job wit the knee.. now didn't that feel good??
  13. Knoctur_nal

    Knoctur_nal |Force 10 from Navarone|

    now u gota get a t-shirt that says that!
  14. kdotc

    kdotc 안녕하세요빅뱅K-Dragon입니다

    wouldnt u like that..huh
  15. Knoctur_nal

    Knoctur_nal |Force 10 from Navarone|

    roundhouse kick day!
  16. now he's gotta find that one piece sleeveless denim incase they wanna throw down...
  17. secluded

    secluded Well-Known Member

    It felt really good xD Well...he deserved it ^_^ to the tshirt idea. I wouldn't want to spoil the image everyone has of me at school. They all think I'm some nerd, who can't fight or do squat.
  18. Knoctur_nal

    Knoctur_nal |Force 10 from Navarone|

    get a tattoo then!....hahaha...
  19. lol well now your image has changed... Don't Uff With Me Kid from NY! -lol