Singing "The Drive of Life" Hacken has his "first time"

Discussion in 'Chinese Entertainment' started by shinobi, Mar 19, 2007.

  1. [​IMG]
    Monday March 19, 2007 Hongkong

    TVB and CCTV are working together to celebrate the 10th anniversary of Hong Kong's handover to China. Together they are producing "The Drive of Life", bringing together actors from Hong Kong and Mainland to create a must watch series. TVB regards this series as highly important and is using the beautiful women: Sheren Tang, Jessica Hsuan, Charmaine Sheh, Myolie Wu, Gigi Wong and Toby Leung. The gentlemen include: Damian Lau, Michael Miu, Joe Ma, Raymond Lam, Ron Ng and Ng Wai Kwok. This is going to be one of the biggest productions this year. As for the themesong, nothing less can be expected. Hong Kong's Hacken Lee and Mainland's Steve Chou will provide the vocals and Hong Kong's sinfonietta will provide the accompaniment.

    Yesterday, Hacken while recording the themesong revealed that "the sky this blue" was composed by Joseph Koo, and that the conductor, Yip Wing Sie, for the sinonietta was an old friend. He laughed "I'm really happy! A big production is looking for a little singer for the themesong. I'm lucky in that since my first album, every album has had 2 or 3 songs which are TVB themesongs. But for something this big. It's my first time." Reporters joked that as TVB's godson, of course he'd be used. Hacken quickly responded "It's different. TVB has so many actors that they were probably afraid of someone becoming jealous and couldn't decide on who to pick. In the end they got me to sing."

    Hacken revealed that the themesong would incorporate Mandarin and Cantonese. He would be responsible for the Cantonese and Steve would be responsible for the Mandarin. As Steve has been so busy recently, he doesn't have time to record in Hong Kong. So the two can only record separately and put the audio together afterwards.

    credits: wenweipo, asianfanatics.
  2. tis me

    tis me Well-Known Member

    Wow.. what a great idea for a theme song to include both Cantonese and Mandarin lyrics! I'm glad that Hacken was chosen since it means more exposure in Mainland for him..

    Nice cover by Hacken.. saying that TVB prob didn't know how to choose who to sing the theme.. I think TVB was smart to choose a REAL singer since it would be embarrassing to have either Moses or Ron singing AGAIN..
  3. im pretty sure TVB's first choice pick to sing a theme would be hacken lee...especially a big series like this... he sang a handful of themes for TVB in his career and all were quite popular...but it's his decision to sing it or not.
  4. Giniro

    Giniro Well-Known Member

    I cant wait for this series to come out.
  5. spypcss

    spypcss Active Member

    that great idea for a theme song to include both Cantonese and Mandarin lyrics
    I cant wait for this series to come out.
  6. cutiedrm

    cutiedrm Well-Known Member

    I can't wait to watch this series. I hope that is will come up soon.