External hard drives

Discussion in 'Science, Technology & Car Chat' started by blazer88, Mar 23, 2007.

  1. blazer88

    blazer88 Member

    Any recommendations? What's a good brand.
  2. its not about brand, its about performance.

    if you want an external harddrive, and you dont mind the power cable, you should go for 2 seperate components.

    the harddrive itself: choose sata or ide

    seagate or western digital, altho i had problems with a seagate hd, due to manufacturing defect of the model

    the box/case: any is fine, as long as it has a GOOD cooling system... like with a fan and aluminum casing so it disperses heat well.

    make sure the box fits on either an ide or a sata hd, if you decide to buy either one.
  3. THF20

    THF20 is a Chinese

    Try WD (Western Digitial), you can get it cheaper in amazon.

    I got a 250GB extenal hard-drive for 59 uk pounds... I think thats a pretty good deal...
  4. Veincentury

    Veincentury Well-Known Member

    Yeah, original poster didn't specify whether or not it is portable. If not portable I would sitkc with the external hard drive enclosure and a hard drive as well. The box runs for like $25 usd.
  5. spudsz

    spudsz Active Member

    western digital is pretty decent. if you are looking for something to back up your entire computer then something along the lines of 160 gig hard drive or something. will run you about $150.00 western digital is good
  6. Knoctur_nal

    Knoctur_nal |Force 10 from Navarone|

    dan made some good recos....unless u want protable that is
  7. fearless_fx

    fearless_fx Eugooglizer

    im buying a Seagate 350 gig external HDD on sunday for 119 dollars canadian on sale at futureshop lol. My computer's HDD is 300 gigs and iv already filled it up with music/movies V_V
  8. yunski

    yunski Well-Known Member

    I have Western Digital without problems.
  9. it's all about those micro mini external harddrives now... -cool2

    but external harddrives.. no matter what brand ain't that reliable imo...
  10. THF20

    THF20 is a Chinese


    You mean this, right?! -unsure
  11. hehe i got the same one here in canada... but i paid 85CAD, which is less cheaper than 59 pounds.. if my currency exchange rate is right lol

    thanks haha

    watch out.. my cousin bought a seagate, and exchanged it THREE TIMES due to manufacturing defect.. she settled with a 320G toshiba instead of a 250G seagate for the same price... the seagate had the "delayed write fail" problem, and erased 70G of her music and my music... good thing we had back up lol

    but do be careful

    yea and have that little thing burn your thigh while youre on the road lol

    i use my ipod 30G as a mini but i dont use it much
  12. No I mean smaller... o_O;
  13. THF20

    THF20 is a Chinese

    Ok... it costs only 300 HK dollars for 1GB. I bought that like 2 years ago.

    So I guess you mean the recent ones intead...

    P.S. As you can see is just a little bit bigger than a pencil sharpener...

  14. is that a 1 gig one?
  15. reno

    reno Well-Known Member

    keep in mind if u want something with bigger capacity
    u can always get the laptop hdds (ie 2.5" hdds)
    they cost more than 3.5 obviously, but considering u can get 100gb+ in them easily for that size, its pretty good
    plus with 2.5" hdds, u don't need power adapter, u can just run it off the usb

    i got my 40gb one for 170aud years ago >< and i bought 2 of them!
    so much chepaer these days =/
  16. ^ does it heat up?
  17. fearless_fx

    fearless_fx Eugooglizer

    hmmm defects eh... maybe il haveta put all my good music onto a few DVD's just incase, thx for the heads up
  18. fearless_fx

    fearless_fx Eugooglizer

    oh, and my porno collection too of course :p hehehe jks
  19. lol don lie.. we know you got that entire Maria O series... uff DVDs... I back-ups my porno on Blu-Rays -cool2
  20. Knoctur_nal

    Knoctur_nal |Force 10 from Navarone|

    laptop drive and 2.5 enclosure=portable drive.