i always try new different kinds of excersices but then i get lazy, and kinda stop doing it then maybe a few months later, i try something new i can't find enough motivation to keep me consistantly excersicing without any long periods of breaks how do you guys keep it going strong without slacking off?
Integrate it with your schedule -- works like wonder. Right now, I have 3 day week, and I go to school at 7:30, so between 7:30 and 9am when my class starts, I can either do 1) gym and work out or; 2) sleep -- wearing contacts puts 2 out of the question, so I work out every time I go to school And the tighter you make your schedule, the more likely you get to keep it (it worked for me at least). Oh, and make the work out short, but numerous throughout the week. Minuscule attention span is the greatest enemy to exercise
That too... or buy some expensive gym-related stuff that you'd feel the pain for the purchase (which will go to waste if you don't use it)
oh man..i know what you mean smallrinilady. i used to take yoga..and then pilates that kinda stuff. but i lost interest soon after that. what i found that worked was working at gym. i go to ymca, cause its close and yeah..since your paying, you'll just have to excercise or else it's a waste of money.
I know how you feel. I spent 400 bucks for one of those exercise machines and now it's just a clothes hanger.
if you wanna get motivation, working out with a friend is a great way. I know from experience, since i have a very competitive spirit, when I work out with friends, I tend to push the limits and best them. teehee, hope it works for you too.
you want motivation? just think. the more you work out, the more of a sexy body youre gonna have... lol that was a motivation for certain ppl lol
yeah... plus join really expensive gym cos then u'd be thinking ur wasting lotsa money if u don't turn up! =) i joined a cheaper one... and i ended up skipping 3 months which i paid for... and then just quit it lolz >< trying to start again now *sigh*
Oh, and for girls, buy a piece of clothing you REALLY REALLY love one size smaller -- dress work best -- and hang it in your room so that you will be reminded of the joy you will feel when you shrink to the size which fits into the dress/ piece of clothing!
haha, i dun think that will work, unless there's some party coming up or sth.. probably end up giving it to someone else. I think most important to find out why you wanna exercise. Give yourself reason enough to do it. Some people exercise because they wanna keep slim, others wanna keep fit and some because they simply love it. Once you give yourself enough reason, find a type of exercise that works for you. Most ppl go gym because it gives them motivation in several ways: - looking at other ppl's figure makes you envious - mirror lets you look at yourself and have the 'i look good' feeling - you think that others are looking at you (opp sex that is..) - enjoy seeing your own muscles pump. The expansion and contraction of the muscles give an impression that your muscles are getting bigger already. Mostly for guys though - etc Some ppl run and the perspiration indicates a good work out. Yoga and other similar exercises can be quite refreshing too and hence more bonus for doing them. For me, I exercise simply because I love it. I find a sport I like and do it frequently. Nothing beats passion in terms of motivation. So find a reason for you to exercise. -rockon Btw, not sure abt the spend $$ equals motivation theory. Some say it works. But I think it will only add some motivation to sth you are already or likely to become interested in doing. Like me, I just hate the gym. Signing up will never work for me.