Dedicated to my Mum...R.I.P Mommy...

Discussion in 'The Lounge' started by Shini_D, Mar 31, 2007.

  1. Shini_D

    Shini_D Well-Known Member

    30th March 2007, my mother passed away.
    It was hard on our whole family, everyone was very hurt, after all she is our pillar of support.
    I really miss her, and want to see her.

    And for everyone out there in the world who still have their mothers, or just family and friends, keep them close and don't take them for granted.
    Once they leave you, you realise how much they were to you, what you took for granted and would wish to have again.
    The yelling, the punishments, the laughs, the hugs, the scoulding, everything that they ever did, you will forever remember and miss.

    Mum, I will never forget you or anything you ever taught me in my life. I will grow up and be a better person and take care of this house.

    I will try my best to fill your shoes the best I can, along with Michelle and Alex, we will all try our best to support the family and our Dad.

    Your husband really misses you, you were his arms and legs, but its ok, I'll be his wheel chair and get him around. Alex and Michelle will be his arms.

    Together, we will pull through.

    So rest easy Mummy...Because we all know that you'll be watching over us and always by our side.

    I love you so much and forever.

    You will be my one and only Mother. For the rest of my life and eternity...1314...

    I love you...

    Love Your Eldest Daughter:
    Sandra Chau
    [...The amount of kisses and love is endless...]
  2. kdotc

    kdotc 안녕하세요빅뱅K-Dragon입니다

    aawwwwww =('s just not fair.....well i hope u'll feeeel bettter and watever u need im sure we PA ppl can help u =).....and if u think u need to u should see counseller...they can help you with this depressing process....and omg we got same last name..thats coool
  3. chi-bi-rain

    chi-bi-rain Active Member

    i cried while reading this.

    thanks for reminding me of cherishing each of life's moments.
  4. Sandra,

    I would like to express to you and your family my most sincerest condolences.. I am confident that you will find a source of strength to guide you in the coming times of hardship, for yourself, and your family.

    Take care.
  5. Shini_D

    Shini_D Well-Known Member

    thank you every in PA. you guys are all supposrtive, I just want to dedicate as much to my mum as possible, and to tell people in the world that dnt take the ones you love around you for granted.
    I took things my mum did for me for granted and regret it, but I will be strong and only think of the good memories.

    Kdotc, u got same surname as me? haha, is it written as Chau in chinese, like Jay Chou's chinese surname as well? lol.
  6. sp-lork

    sp-lork Well-Known Member

    sandra, i'm sorry about your mom. im sure she's in a better place now, watching over all of you guys. don't be too sad, because she wouldn't want you guys to be. please take care and if anything, we're all here for you =]
    RIP mrs chau.
  7. kdotc

    kdotc 안녕하세요빅뱅K-Dragon입니다

    i think u should express ur feeling in a song =) then sing it at the memorial or w/e its called....well its chau 周 but my cousins r chow for some reason
  8. Shini_D

    Shini_D Well-Known Member

    i wrote a song for her, but it was wen she was still in hospital, i will write one tho...some time. yeah, my chinese surname is like that.
    o_O..... can it be that we're somehow related? lol.

    n my mum's surname is Nguyen, lol, I might be like my mum, keep my surname.
    I want to change my name, I want to put Nguyen in as my middle name.

    I'm planning to get a tattoo with mum's name, her D.O.B and Her D.O.D (Date of death) on my back, top right, underneathe my shoulder.
  9. kdotc

    kdotc 안녕하세요빅뱅K-Dragon입니다

    lol related cousins...iunno
    u know wat r u a christian or catholic? get a cross with RIP ____ DOB - DOD
    i love this song
    #9 kdotc, Mar 31, 2007
    Last edited: Mar 31, 2007
  10. don

    don ello

    sad to hear that happened to you but take care and be happy =) take care

    ^that's an awesome song:)

    i love this song too by destiny's child
    #10 don, Mar 31, 2007
    Last edited: Mar 31, 2007
  11. Wilme

    Wilme Well-Known Member

    I just wanted to say RIP. I know it's a very very hard time for you, but hang in there.
  12. sp-lork

    sp-lork Well-Known Member

    oohh..oopsie. my badd =T
  13. you know... a great way to express your feelings is by writing a very emotional eulogy during the ceremony.. not only does express your feelings, but it really reaches the people, and they will feel even closer than ever... just like justin trudeau and his amazing eulogy during his father's
  14. #Azn#

    #Azn# Well-Known Member

    my condolences
  15. vene

    vene Well-Known Member

    Sorry to hear.
    take care, and live on.
  16. RIP.

    death is a harsh thing...but apart of life. :(
  17. xiaojia

    xiaojia Well-Known Member

    Blessings to you and your family. May your mom rest in peace..
  18. lee-lee

    lee-lee Well-Known Member

    i am so sorry. could not help but cry reading that. may ur rest in peace.
  19. Shini_D

    Shini_D Well-Known Member

    Thank you everyone, I just wanted people out there to not take things for granted, cause it makes me realise how unexpected life can be, and I want everyone in the world to be able to realise this and appreciate what you have, because you never know what happens.

    I'm not in any religion, I don't believe in God, not at all after what happened. But I'm getting my mums name tattooed on my back underneathe my shoulder blade, have her chinese name, underneathe it the D.O.B - D.O.D, and underneathe that have her english name.

    I think what I wrote in my first opening post is what I'll say, because that's exactly how I feel.

    kdotc! We might be related haha!
  20. kdotc

    kdotc 안녕하세요빅뱅K-Dragon입니다

    ehhhhhhhhhhh.....we're coool chau's...eff those chow's and chao's and chou's lol
    deathh.....ahh its almost may.......may is effing scary....if some1 i knw dies in may then yo fuk it...can't have ppl i know dying in may 3 eyars consecutively.....i think i should try to use as much money as i can before the time comes :'(.....
    i remmeber seeing stuff on a song then pictures of memories...u should attempt somethign like that and prsent it