Agreed ..It just takes one...'oops'..'s over. hmm the consequences are too severe me thinks! Its insurance against: 1. Children 2. 'Surprise STD!' (seen people get it and its painful) 3. Call me paranoid but if my partner unknowingly cheats on me then I can either catch something or have a child thats not mine.
Haha Try the Ultra-thin condom At least u'll get some satisfaction out of sex although NOT wearing 1 is alwayz preferable's to make the condoms less yuckie for people who want to erm.... touch it with their mouth...? And of course we are not trying to promote unsafe sex! People better listen up: "no CONDOM no SEX"
pull out... sex with no condom... what the fuck... are these kids who are commenting? and we ask ourselves why youngsters get pregnant at a young age...
None..... sorry man...and be sharing that with u if i had tried any...sure.... Haha anyway, ur not even old enough to HAVE sex right...thats why u wanna talk about it so badly...? And we all know that birthcontrol pill isnt THAT safe... i know some girls who used but got sick or forgot it and are mommie now... It's not just about pregnancy.... Wouldn't be too nice if u had to go to see the Dr. if it's hurting or itchy below i guess? So...people who don't use condom and get pregnant or STD are just stupid
birth control pills,not as safe as condom...n yeah that is y i keep seeing lot of pregnant youngster/brainless youngster sorry if the word is too harsh
i hate the pill if you miss one day, than your stuck with another period and often i end up staying over at friends places last minute you know that the pill is also not useable if your take an antibiotic
wat u old!!! i can buy lottery tickets and beer and gamble and go to strip clubs(in montreal) lol
the patch...... less of a chance shell forget to take the pill (fu** condoms.....) but if its a new partner id rather not take the risk n just strap up