I want to download some movies and music , I can't get anywhere else, So I wanted to try out emule I don't get it at all . I can never get it to download. I always have low Id I have been to several forums , I just end up getting more confused. -unsure If anyone here uses emule. Can you please guide me in simple words. You could say "emule for dummies" I really need HELP here.
dont use emule.. its old and dead just like kazaa. i use limewire, for music, but its getting old too.. and bittorrent for movies. dont use emule.. there wont be many peers to get your files from.
sometimes you have to close emule and connect again. sometimes you have to leave emule on for days before you get a connection. all i can say is be patient.
emule reallY does test Your patience. it reallY depends on how much ppl has the file Your looking for...it sort of works like BT but much more worse. Unless someone is super seeding 1 file then most likelY You might be waiting forever to complete 1 large file. To get a high ID You need to be sharing and uploading more than what You download. One person told me a good trick is to have 1 popular porn movie that waY ppl leech off of You and u earn credits to place higher on people's Queue...I dont know if it works since I never tried that and I usuallY get a High ID just bY sharing the movies that I have on mY PC...but of course all it comes down too is the amount of ppl that have the file Your looking for.
Emule DOES work, I use it. The fact is to get a connection you are placed on a queue. To speed up place on the queue set your upload speed to 12kb+, you also have to be contributing stuff eg sharing stuff. Then if anyone downloads your stuff you get moved up quicker in queue.
Emule has alot of stuff too... but the download rate is extremely slow... so don't expect to finish downloading anything within a week... like a movie as example
Thank you guys for your help . I guess I will have to wait a while then. I do have another question though, did you guys start out by uploading a file from your hard drive the first time you started using emule ?
try forwarding your ports for it.. make sure you have latest edition.... upload quite a bit for it, could be stuff you are already downloading... but makes sure you put decent up rate for it.
ahh i used to use emule alot cuz it has alot of old stuff thats hard to find on the web now. But then my comp crashed (not related to emule) and i could never get emule to work again. But yea, Emule def takes a long time to work, but its pretty good for rare stuff.
I use emule, its not that bad depending on what you are downloading. You just have to be patient, and keep it minimize in order for your stuff to get download. Also, If your looking for asian music, its better if you go to www.verycd.com. Once you click on what you want to download it goes straight to emule and download from there. You find millions of music, movies and drama. But the site is in chinese.
I was gonna say that, but using VeryCD.com require the ability to read simplified Chinese And most files on there are subbed in Simplified Chinese.
emule has a lot of asian files..but download is very slow.. i used it once b4..it took me around 1 week of so for Moon Hee Jun's album..
Not really, I DL'd Death Note Live Action film (both I and II) in a bit under a day. I desperately needed it in Chinese sub =_=b.
i think emule isnt bad, it good for finding asian media files better than limewire in my opinion i agree with ppl who says it has a slow d/l rate cuz it does
where do you get the correct version of limewire? recently i did a upgrade of my limewire... after that anything i try to download it has some license verification online or soemthing and i can't seem to open it.. i don't know what's going on.