Well, it sure does sound better when the denomination is smaller That's why I like kilo better than pounds. Though now I should consider using stone instead... but on second thought, it may be confused with the Chinese Stone (~160lb?) So maybe not.
Hold On.... Theres a big difference btween 55 and 63 KG... so how much is it??? Just tell us wongie... cuz if ur 165cm and 55 KG i'd say ur crazy for feelin HUGE... And Wongie...Did u know that when u lose weight ur boobs and ass will become smaller too coz it consists of fat ... i noticed it since ive lost a few pounds the last few months...and it kinda sucks... My belly should get smaller but instead other thinks shrink...so don't lose too much weight or u will lose ur curvs and rememberrrr.... curves are beautifulllll!
Haha then maybe ur just a lucky guy but just look at tvb serie and u see enough i guess... my measurements are: satisfied with what i got...
LOL double that... xD -lol actually some girls don't lose that much of their tittys when they lose weight.. so better to start big then think small... -lol
HAHAHA ROFL LOL XD its actully not complete true.. look at "some" "white" celebs.. that didnt changed there cups its known that asians got smaller "measurements"
Maybe they just use push up bra's or chicken filets? i dunno? It's not they get FLAT...but just a lil smaller...i guess >_< I dont believe there is one girl who's boobs dont get a lil smaller after losing weight. If someone knows how to... let me know!!!
ghahahah well if you don't have any titties now... better not lose the weight then... xD -lol hahahah ok... i'm sorry I just had to say that.. lol
Hey, whatever... think what u like ok? I was just saying...they get a lil smaller... didnt say ull become a surfboard
lol where'd that come from?? but really those... aren't fat evenly distributed...?? ahhh i dunno.. -lol