LOL kdotc got owned hahaha.. but btw question.. what would u do if u really loved someone that is younger then u? u just ignore the feelings? sorry totally going offtopic
now honestly.. like mac said.. what kid wants a kid as a dad, and a dad who cant even support a family... your kid is gonna beat the living shit out of you for dropping out, and giving it a hard time.. lol jsk
well.. most gals at our age like mature guys.. n guys are generally less mature at this age grp.. so u get the hint? it probably wun happen
^lol if u love someone i sure doubt it matters about being mature etc so u just judge a "group" cause a part is like that? its like saying all moslims are terrorist.. seriously.. if i had kdotc as dad... i would kill myself rather then be born XD
yeah and a dad whoz a sex maniac... >_< resentless... dont think id fall for a guy whoz younger.. since i only planned on dating guys who are older than me...
Hwhat!!?? no... not I...-shock yea psycho... what's up with dude posting outta nowhere?? he's on all the threads...