You are right, during residency a doc may have to do between 3 to 6 12-hr night shifts in a row. But after residency, a board certified doc only does 2-4 nights a month, usually 1-2 nights in a row at most. I apologize, I should have been more specific =) I'm finishing up residency in 2 months. I'm an assistant clinical instructor at a teaching hospital in the emergency department. Just curious, what part of Canada are you located?
I reckon working at a customer service helpdesk can be pretty boring or at least hell annoying with those dumb/arrogant/rude customers?
it might be boring, but in what other profession can you wear a hat that awesome... other then a Pimp, that is
I would say the most boring job is an actor's sidekick. These guys are expandible. They always die first in movies. heheheh...
I think becoming an auditor is the worst, especially when you work as an auditor in Malaysia. Start work at 8.30 end work at 8.30,9.30,10.30,11.30,12.30 or etc.... you will never know.........
Well, I am not a doctor, the doctor friends I have are either in Alberta (from U of A) or Montreal (from McGill)... Thought I have a feeling that it's the shortage of staff that led to the long hours =_=b not sure.
What is boring to one person could be interesting to another. I once interviewed someone for a cleaner position and never realised someone could have so much passion for cleaning a toilet. Did you know there is a certain way to clean a toilet? Don't ask, at this point I was asleep!!