OK! When is comes to girls dating men nowa days, when going out with your bf who pays? Is it 50/50 or is he a gentleman and pays for everything. From cinema ticket to going out for a meal,excluding shopping of course. Its the 21st century and guys I know are more into 50/50 when going out on a date with their gf. So are there any traditional kinda guys out there?
I would say traditional, maybe coz ive never been out with a traditional chines guy be for. It would like the feeling of being spoilt
A bit of both... Like with me and my ex... i think probably he paid 70% of the time cuz he had more money than me... But like when I go out on a date with a guy... and he don't wanna pay and wants to split the bill.... There wont be no second date ... Greedy guys turn me off...
Well, it depends on our relative spending power (money in our pocket, not the ability to WANT to buy everything hung on a Dior rack), though generally we will end up taking turns picking up the tab -- it's not being cheap, it's just having the artificial sense of equality (neither him or myself will feel uncomfortable for the tab we pick up). The person who picks up the tab that day get the final say on where to go, so if he feels like splurging at Canoe or Hoji, who am I to stop him? ^ Would that be traditional or non-traditional behaviour?
well assuming it is a "date", i'd def want to pay for her =) its always nice to attempt to spoil them hehehe
for me its usually each person pays for themselves when on a date, casual one of course. Some girls like to pay for themselves and won't let me pay for them, but with gf of course usually i would pay
I personally would pay for dates and stuff, but I dont like girls who expect you to pay for everything...
So from what I've read so far, guys like to pay for their girlfriend but doesn't want to feel like he is EXPECTED to pay (otherwise the girl will seems like a golddigger?) I guess girls need more ways to coerce them into paying (willingly)
I pay for all my dates....haven't found a gf that volunteers to split the bill or pay for the tab...maybe I always find the wrong girls....why girls always say equality but not when paying bills???
that's because i believe asian mens spoilt girls its kinda like a tradition that when ur on a date, the guy pick up the bills. but its getting more to 50/50 nowadays! as for me, i would pick up the bills but some of the girls i went out with insist on 50/50.. so why not?
Taking turns picking up the tabs feel less high-school than just splitting the bill. But it's just me ^^b.
split between both of course. =) traditions all have their goods and bads and since I was brought up not under very strict conditions, in terms of compatibility, he has to be like that too.
Actually i do that too.. and if one party not enough money than just split. I dun see it as a big issue. In fact, I dun like guys who insist on paying for everything.. they usually end up thinking that paying is same as loving. Buying gifts and everything. Those are just extras.. I feel. Making own gifts would be nicer.. I prefer non-traditional men.. men who are not bounded by conventions.
It depends on what kind of girl the guy is dating. If she is a feminist who prefers gender equality, then everything should be split right down the middle. If she's someone with traditional views and is willing to let the guy make all the decisions, then the guy should pay for everything. I don't think girls should get the best of both worlds, ie when something good comes up, they want it equal (eg salaries, jobs, rights etc), but when its something bad, they get to play the "I'm a woman" card (eg paying for dates). However as reality dictates, this will never happens. Personally, as a guy, I think the guy should pay for the first couple dates completely to show the woman he is sincere & willing to sacrifice some money & time to be with her. After that, ideally the couple should take turns picking up the tab (eg alternating days). I find it too distasteful trying to count out the money at a restaurant to split the bill. When I was dating my wife, her family was more well off than mine. I would still try to pay most of the time (~70% of the time), but sometimes I can only cover 70-80% of the bill, so she would put up the difference and cover the tip.
If the methods of paying for dates determines whether or not a guy is traditional, then I guess I'm traditional. I prefer to pay for all the dates, doesn't matter who initiated. It's a pride thing. I thought you were a guy. wtf. Anyway, paying for dates and showering with gifts in place of affection are two completely different things. I don't see how the two interrelate.
Can't we just have the best of both? And about the 'who pays the bill' thing, I guess it's best if the guy pays the first 2 or 3 dates and after that you either take turns to pay the bill or go for the 50/50 way. It's unfair if you let 1 person pay it all the times.
I'm a loser Jesus! I never knew men like you even existed!, I've never been out with a guy who pays for me on a date, EVER!! Actually thinking about it I paid for mostly everything when I went out. Hmm... I've even borrowed money to my ex bf's. Jesus! all you girls have been soo lucky.>.<
Oh my god wongie, U've got to be kidding me? U really know the wrong men.. I mean are we talking about asian guys here? If a guy doesn't pay for the first date or at least offers to pay.... u know what time it is...it's "run away as fast as u can" time. I mean it's not like you HAVE TO let him pay... But I guess if a guy really likes you he'd wanna leave a good impression and wanna pay the bill on the first date...
lol actually I see it the other way around.. i say 50/50 for the first couple of dates cause you're still not sure about the other person righ?? -lol. besides you wouldn't wanna spoil the girl in the very beginning righ??