I hate myself, I'm lost!..I think I need Help

Discussion in 'Love and Relationships' started by wongie, Apr 2, 2007.

  1. xiaojia

    xiaojia Well-Known Member

    life is fcuked up cos of ppl like you... get a life.

    Wongie.. you gotta let it go.. and live life for yourself and not others.
  2. adrianc

    adrianc Well-Known Member

    wongie. live life through others meng.
  3. whoa slow down I don't think the person who posted that means anything bad about it.. can't you feel the dudes pain when he expresses how messed up life is... he's practically in the same boat as wongie.. just that he's learned to deal with it.. so hence life's f***d up anyways

    lol which means?? I don't think baby girls gonna get what you mean with the ghetto metaphors... -lol
  4. misenlai

    misenlai Well-Known Member

    who care what other thinks? if they judge you, they are not your friends anyways so who care? you will eventually find your real friends... happy? you create your happy.
  5. AC0110

    AC0110 Let the Fun Begin

    I know... Follow the diagram


    *I'm such an asshole...
    **But I luv this picture so much... Thank You - dspeed
  6. ^how would u feel if u heared the news the next time that he commited suicide? noithing funny about it tbh..
  7. sp-lork

    sp-lork Well-Known Member

    ^ ><;; seeing that picture is so depressingg
  8. AC0110

    AC0110 Let the Fun Begin

    It's a girl btw...

    But hell, if you were to commit suicide b/c someone post something on the internet...
    That person won't live long...

    but I will apologize if it does make anyone in here to commit suicide
  9. kdotc

    kdotc 안녕하세요빅뱅K-Dragon입니다

    lol this is getting weirddd
  10. wysandman

    wysandman Well-Known Member

    go watch some stephen chow moives they always cheer me up.
  11. lol stephen chow movies are def. therapeutic...
  12. pongalong

    pongalong Member

    stop dwelling in the past. the more you think about it, the more you're going to hate yourself and the people who have shunned you. move on, and seriously, i mean this in the nicest way possible, get a life. get a grip on yourself. you want to lose weight? there are a million ways to lose weight. look for them. and if it doesn't work, then try it again, and again and again until you can TRULY say "i've tried everything and this is the best i can do." don't ever resolve to anything that will put your health at risk. and none of this, maybe once or twice crap. you are so much better than that, and you know it. there are also a million of guys out there. why are you scared of trying? what is there to be scared of? that asswhole broke your heart, well now find someone that will fix it. and if you can't, who says girls need guys to live? you live for yourself and for the people who truly do love you. you lost your confidence over a guy? can you truly say that you had any confidence at all then? and if your answer is yes, then think about it again. where is your pride? you are still living and breathing.. that shows that you are brave enough to face your fears. as long as you're alive, you keep fighting to stay alive. don't be a coward and hide in a corner all day. don't take the easy way out. do things that will make you love and respect yourself. so, you have a little extra flab, there's more to love. live for today and tomorrow. don't dwell on yesterday and the things you regret. what the hell will that do for you? oh yeah, nothing except eat your mind away and further convince yourself "Yes, i am hopeless." look on the bright side, be glad that you are who you are. be with the people who love you and respect you. learn to respect yourself, because if you don't then who will? how will anyone respect someone who doesn't respect themselves? love who you are and don't change yourself for anyone but yourself. if you feel that being skinnier will help you gain more confidence, then amen to you, get on the treadmill and start running. but if it's for mr. i-think-he-might-be-the-one down the corner, then screw it, you'll only end up hurting yourself. i know i'm being a bit harsh, but honestly, stop sulking. there will be the day when mr. right comes along. until that day, shape yourself up a bit, build your confidence, and become someone you can be proud of. i really can't stress it enough. if you have faith, love, and respect for yourself, others will too. be strong, we are all rooting for you.

    p.s. i was up till three in the morning writing this so you better at least acknowledge some of the stuff i said! hahaha i'm just kidding, i really am sorry if i offended you and made you more of a fragile person, but just take into account that i'm just trying to help you and i hope everything goes well.