that's even more dangerous!! wouldn't it be?? lol hwhat!? I'm not dissing you... quite trying to slander my good name... oh... Miss booty cheeks likes to rock the Dior while she's freakin' it...
Glasses tahhaha~ thats way too akward, watch when it smashes when u rock too hard ^.^ lol and whats the teasing conflict between them 2^^
since glasses/contacts is brought up... well this is a bit off topic.. I'm thinking about getting lasek surgery? how safe/good is it? any of you tried before?
I read this article once.... bout this girl... she had it done...and paid a lot for it... it got better... but after a while it was the same as before...
i think you would know -lol don't really think that laser surgery is that good......don't ppl after laser surgery have poor eyesight during the night?
lol damn what's with don so active all of a sudden!? hey the names I make up are not silly ahlright!? advantages to wearing glasses.... see clearly... sunglasses... not have to look at the person if they're not that hot... or cover half your face so people don't think you're not hot... -lol alright maybe this ain't really going anywhere.. lol