Do you ppl believe in God?

Discussion in 'Philosophy & Religion' started by imp, Jan 29, 2005.


Do you ppl believe in God?

  1. Yes

    91 vote(s)
  2. No

    66 vote(s)
  3. Not sure

    43 vote(s)
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  1. i have had this arguement many times with hardcore religious friends and i still stand by saying that god does not exist for he is a being fabricated in the minds of men to explain the wonders of life because there were no definite answers to questions regarding the existence of man.

    If God created man then the theory of how man came to be was that Adam just simply appeared out of no where.... and Eve was somehow created by taking bones and organs from Adam? CLEARLY that is how you make a person now a days...

    The church says evolution is wrong well then im quite not understanding how over times entire species of animals (including us) could change to adapt to the enviorment we live in, and how close in resemblence our organs and primative senses are to other creatures, (what they were the weak so they couldnt become smarter? and call themselves human?) whatever....=P

    Gods have existed everywhere, varying from different countries, if these gods existed it would be universally KNOWN that there is only ONE. Holy wars? fighting for a belief that is unconfirmed?

    Whenever GOD is proven to exist then ill start believing that there is this intangible supreme force that guides us through life everyday and chooses to let people live or die because when he lets one person die it serves some sorta purpose.....
  2. yunski

    yunski Well-Known Member

    I believe in God.
  3. popabbs

    popabbs Member

    The answer will depend on How do you define God.
  4. xiaojia

    xiaojia Well-Known Member

    Hmm.. You can insist on not believing in God or any religion yourself, but you seem to be crossing the line over there, being quite offensive towards a particular religion.

    Get your facts right if you insist. Quote the Bible.

    Btw, your lack of tolerance for this particular religion seems to contradict your comments in the 'No religion is the best religion' thread. Isn't this lack of tolerance the cause of religious wars?

    The thread is 'Do you believe in God?', not 'Which religion you hate?' :D
  5. hiake

    hiake Vardøgr of da E.Twin

    You are right, I do have a particularly low tolerance towards a certain religion and to tell the truth, (I am not sure about on the forum) the faith showed little mercy for me in reality. My point of view of having no religion is the best religion is a manifestation of "in fact, I don't really care what religion it is, if everyone just mind their own business and not condemn one another the world would be a much safer place, at least it would have one less reason to start war".

    It would be note worthy that until very recently (by that I mean probably last century and less), the intolerance is inflicted toward anyone outside of the holy doctrine of Protestantism aka Christianity (and before that, outside of Catholicism). I know little about other religious conflicts (although one just cannot avoid the racial and religious tension in the middle east these days)

    But the fact that I use that particular religion as example over and over again is not due to that reason alone -- it also reflect the faith/religion shared by many members here. If I talk about some obscure religion that not many care about, how un-interesting it will eventually get since not many know or care about those religion.
  6. xiaojia

    xiaojia Well-Known Member

    Sounds like you have been 'hurt' somehow... Perhaps I do not share ur pain therefore I do not understand.

    Well.. I'm no Christian so I won't defend it anyway.

    But one bad incident doesn't make all else bad.
  7. TeoChew

    TeoChew New Member

    I dont believe in god :(, cause i think god is made up just to add a purpose in life, instead of just a life and death cycle
  8. .//affect-ionn

    .//affect-ionn Well-Known Member

    since i am catholic and go to a catholic school then i obviously believe in God. God is the centre of everything? thats what my religion teacher tells me and God is all around us =D
  9. blackseed

    blackseed Member

    Yes, God really does exist otherwise we human or strange creatures won;t exist here. Do think about it. -noclue
  10. haun

    haun Well-Known Member

    better watch what u write on internet. god is monitoring your internet activities x(
  11. lol oh damn... better clear your cookies n cache!!
  12. hiake

    hiake Vardøgr of da E.Twin

    Oh I think about it plenty, still not convinced.

    Of course, I try not to write anything on the internet that I won't say in reality in public. Though supposedly, sex, politics and religion is like taboo in a decent conversation :p
  13. Vinnie_boy

    Vinnie_boy Well-Known Member

    Well i dont know cos i dont really think about it. All i think about is the present and that if i die i die and i dont care about heaven or hell. But what i do think is that there must be a beginning for everything. I hope this reply does not offend anyone (seeing how religion is such a disputed matter)
  14. It's not God who we should fear... but Mother Nature herself....
  15. Vinnie_boy

    Vinnie_boy Well-Known Member

    Actually Mother Nature comes second i think Karma comes first. If youve watched My Name is Earl then you would agree with me lol
  16. DIESEL

    DIESEL Active Member

    I am 50% athiest and 50% christian. I think of the Christian God as a fearful God and I don't really like the idea of being 100% pure since everyone makes mistakes and sins. Therfore I am confused.
  17. happychic

    happychic Well-Known Member

    I believe in God and think its more of a belief than a fact - although im not a religious person at all
  18. AC0110

    AC0110 Let the Fun Begin

    But isn't God just another Higher Being?...
  19. hiake

    hiake Vardøgr of da E.Twin

    Not really, the higher being which I believe in, I don't think it has the conscious humanoid mind the religions assume their God to have.

    It's called Quantum Physics to some people. BTW.
  20. AC0110

    AC0110 Let the Fun Begin

    But everyone has their own version of God...
    Even if I'm Christian...
    My perception of God is not the same as the God that the priest believe in...

    My expereience is different from everyone else... That's why we're unique

    God is different in everyone's eyes and it is how you take it in to your own perspective...

    Bascially your higher being is just another God and the God that you believe in...
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