Wireless Router Help!!!

Discussion in 'Science, Technology & Car Chat' started by vayha, Apr 11, 2007.

  1. vayha

    vayha Well-Known Member

    hello, i just brought a wireless router and wasnt sure of some stuff and need some help.

    Does the router need to be connected to a PC with a wire before it can be connected to other PCs wirlessly or not because the diagram that came with my router shows the router connected to a PC like this diagram.


    Thank You Plzzz Help
  2. Vinnie_boy

    Vinnie_boy Well-Known Member

    Errm i think you do to set it up first but after that all you need it a wireless adapter but i would advise you to have at least one computer to be connected to the modem so that you can configure it and stuff.
  3. Aoes

    Aoes Well-Known Member


    Also, I don't suggest that specific router, it totally blows... the stupid thing restarts itself every 5 mins or so when it tries to create more than 35 connections... For your everyday web browsing, its not a big deal and u probably won't go over 35 connections that way... However if you use BT, frankly 35 connections won't get u very much...
  4. Maverick

    Maverick Lord Vader

    Hmmm ... perhaps you also need to do a MAC adress clone ...
  5. 2late

    2late New Member

    After the set up, you must configure the router.
    Your computer should have a wireless adapter and put it on.

    Open a browser and type:
    Loginname and password are in the documentations. Look for it!
  6. Aoes

    Aoes Well-Known Member

    for that specific router, the ip is, Login:admin, Pass:admin on factory settings...
  7. tonkachi

    tonkachi Well-Known Member

    for added security with the wifi....i would recommend using 128 bit encryption which usually translate to a 13 letter/number phrase that you can enter into the system...you will then add this passphrase into all your wifi clients so that they can connect to the router

    next would be mac address filtering....another layer of security for your home wireless network so you don't get random people gettin on and stealing your bandwidth...which sucks if you are d/l a lot of stuff.

    to complete mac address you would need to go to each computer and go to start -> run and type cmd if you are using win 2k/xp if its 98 you need to type command out

    then you need to type ipconfig /all which will print you a screen out that has a whole bunch of garble and one line that says mac address. Copy it down and enter that into your router.
  8. Fizzyboy

    Fizzyboy Active Member

    I disagree with doing MAC Address filtering. It's relatively easy to bypass and it not worth the administration headache that it causes.

    WPA authentication with a decent passphrase should be sufficient for the regular user.
  9. Knoctur_nal

    Knoctur_nal |Force 10 from Navarone|

    security for wireless works better in layers. Lets face it, it doesn't hurt to have mac filtering.
  10. Fizzyboy

    Fizzyboy Active Member

    What if, for example, you had a friend that brought over his laptop and wants to connect to your AP. You don't want to have to go through the trouble of inputting the individual MAC addresses of everything that wants to use your wireless.

    If someone wants to hack into your network and has the ability to get past your WPA, MAC filtering will NOT deter them.

    If you want to work in layers, use a RADIUS server.
  11. Knoctur_nal

    Knoctur_nal |Force 10 from Navarone|

    Alright. But we are talking home wireless network here. How many home users need stern security. You also can't put WPA and MAC filtering in the same category. Key being in all this, average home user. When i refer to layers, its in regards to security layers, not authentication and authorization by a Radius server.
  12. Fizzyboy

    Fizzyboy Active Member

    Yes, that was part of my point. :p
    Regardless, I feel that the MAC filtering is more of a "comforting" feature rather than a practical one.

    Btw, I'm not just splitting hairs to be arrogant or just "because", I'm sparking conversation. :)

    +1 thanks
  13. in that case, either i force him to use my PCs, or he brings a cable lol

    but yea.. that situation doesnt allow other people to log without going through everything.. but its better to be safe than sorry.. when cops ring at your door for kiddy porn downloads...
  14. Knoctur_nal

    Knoctur_nal |Force 10 from Navarone|

    No worries man. I love these technical discussions. As long as no one takes anything personal, its all good. As much as i have implemented my own wireless network and have it locked down as tight as i can, i still don't trust it and never do any important things (online banking) on it.
  15. reno

    reno Well-Known Member

    yeah... theres only limited "security" we can have....
    if sum1 really wants to hack ur comp, they'll get it done somehow

    other than that, home network is always good
    just depends wat u really want out of it
    i just leave mine as a basic one, minimal security etc
    so long as the comps can stream series thru to each other, thats all i need =)

    worse comes to worse, i'll just format if some virus/worm comes along

    plus if ur not doing anything and don't need net, just switch off the router
    then it'll be "relatively safer"