What's the most annoying thing someone had done on a subway ride?

Discussion in 'The Rant Section' started by koogepanini, Apr 9, 2007.

  1. koogepanini

    koogepanini Well-Known Member

    Easter Monday and there's like 80 ppl crammed into the train. This dude was crushing me trying to hold on to the pole which I can understand. BUT for my entire ride he was chewing a strawberry flavoured bubblegum over my head with his mouth open. I had to listen and smell this dude chew the shit out of that piece of tree sap for half an hour like he owns the world! Where's the common courtesy??? Anyone else encounter similar/worse situations? -noclue
  2. Loreen66

    Loreen66 Well-Known Member

    A dude put his arms around me for no apparent reason XD. Also, when you reached your distination, people started crushing eachother to get out of the door -_-!
  3. kdotc

    kdotc 안녕하세요빅뱅K-Dragon입니다

  4. Knoctur_nal

    Knoctur_nal |Force 10 from Navarone|

    some guy had a cold and a really runny nose and decided to pick and eat...not annoying as so much interesting.
  5. dim8sum

    dim8sum ♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪....

    people with BO lifting there arms up to hold rails when you are under their arm

    people who dont let you out first but insist on pushing past you to be the first one in
  6. sp-lork

    sp-lork Well-Known Member

    ^ ugh..BO...can't tell you how much i hate that. i also hate it when there's like a crowd of people and you're trying to get off, and they just don't understand what 'excuse me' means. ><;;
  7. Maverick

    Maverick Lord Vader

    During a trip a was in New York. It was already late and suddenly a drunk guy come in. He was soo drunk that he could not stand on his own feet. So he needed to grab hold on something. ... he grabbed a colleague of mine ... My colleague not stupid, got away as fast as he could ... since a few secs after he escaped he ... threw up . EEEECCCCKKKK!!!
    Man, the whole compartment stinks ... luckily we needed to go out next station.
    So for me it is very annoying to see drunk people.

    BTW in London ... also same story :(
  8. DuchSauce

    DuchSauce Well-Known Member

    The most annoying thing is crying babies. Something annoying that happened recently: I was standing next to some guy on a crowded train so I couldn't move anywhere else, and he was trying to read a book instead of holding on to the rail, so every time the train stopped he would fall into me. The first time, I just looked at him--he didn't even excuse himself. The second time, I told him to try holding on to the pole--he ignored me. The third time I pushed him back.
  9. kdotc

    kdotc 안녕하세요빅뱅K-Dragon입니다

    i was walking along the subway platform and its kinda crowed and dont got a lota room to walk on the 2nd floor of stgeorge station...this guy was near the yellow line..and i refused to walk on the yellow stripe just to pass him so i kept walk straigth pretending he wasn't there and i kidna pushed him near the wall while walkin lol
  10. ralliart

    ralliart Well-Known Member

    Some stupid lady talking on her cell phone on the streetcar sooo loud that the people in the front of the streetcar can probably even hear her. Why do people have to talk so loud, and it was quiet too. It wasn't even in English. lol

    It's funny to see people run for the doors while their closing. lol
  11. wysandman

    wysandman Well-Known Member

    In There is always drunken native american trying to tlk to somebody to get some change to buy booze.
  12. qpower

    qpower Well-Known Member

    sometimes, I think those panhandlers are pretty annoying, except for those guitar players. Those musicians can really play well.

    Some person also spoke loudly with his friends on a train, made the entire train car his listeners also....
  13. LOL... I'm sorry but that's kinda funny.. -lol and you even described the flavor of the bubble gum lol excellent description -sorc

    damn lot of yall ride the train...
  14. xiaojia

    xiaojia Well-Known Member

    ppl playing with the tunes on their phone thru the speakers.. irritating..
  15. this one time, some religious dude came and tried to convert me from buddhism to protestant christian on the subway lol

    hes like... have you ever heard of the book of marmon or something like that.. i was like.. yea i have.. and he talked and talked... damn yo..

    he gave me a card and told me to check out the site.. yo.. im a full hardcore buddhist monk. dont be tryin to convert me. ill be interested in learning about that religion but dont convert me haha

    EDIT: how could i forget.. i have 2 stories to share from a few months ago...

    STORY 1 old crazy lady seducing a tamil guy (true subway story, i was there)

    see, i got on the green line, and some lady sat behind me. then, some tamil guy stood beside me, and the old lady was like:

    "come sit down boy"

    the guy was like 30 something

    she continues: "COME SIT DOWN BOY! sit down beside me sexy"

    and the guy was like "nah thats alright thank you"

    and she started yelling:


    "are you scared of me? if your not, come sit beside me!"

    of course, since she was sitting behind me, i had to move seats lol. some lady was sitting beside me, and her head was always hit by that crazy woman, she left too lol.

    that old freaky lady kept on trying to get into the tamil dude's pants =P

    then some construction worker came on, and she started hitting on him too. he was a married man =P. he started to act crazy with her, and later told me tat he was just playing along so that woman could shut th fuck up LOL

    so here you see one sane man, and one insane woman singing rock and roll on the wagon. as she was singing, she was like, "yo would you like some weed?"

    of course, the construction worker was pretty smart. he replied: "yea! why dont you spark one up right now?"

    if that woman did spark the joint, she wouldve been arrested lol!

    well, she was juggling a handful of weed in her hand, and she didnt notice her stop arrived! she rushed out, and handed the man a handful of weed, and left LOL

    EVERYONE IN THE WAGON WAS LAUGHING LIKE HELL LOL we couldnt hold ourselves, and had to turn around and started cracking up XD

    STORY 2 St-George TTC lady operator is a bitch!

    another thing i hate is the fact that ttc operators can be faggots sometimes... check this story out

    i met this really bitchy ttc operator.. twice, when i was on my way home from a friend's party, and a few months ago, when i was on my way home from meeting the famous craig kielburger.

    So there i was waiting in line to purchase some tickets to go home, and the ttc lady's phone rang. i gave her a $20 bill as she was picking up the phone. she took the bill and threw in on the counter (literally THREW it), and started chatting on the phone.

    i waited for 3 whole minutes.

    i glared her, then i looked at a young woman behind me. she was shocked too. after 3 long minutes, she hung up the phone and said "I was on the phone. i didnt hear what you want."

    and i thought to myself, thats not a reason to be holding a client.

    and she said the COLDEST words "what do you want" (she meant in a wtf-do-you-want-kid tone)

    after i left, she started yelling at another girl, (the girl behind the young woman, whom i looked at)

    and she passed by and said "what a bitch! im gonna file a complaint!"

    well whatever lol, i bought a 5 adult ticket with a 20 bucks, and and she gave me a change of 15 dollars LOL

    the stupid ttc woman gave me $5 for free LOL

    btw, both these stories really did happen to me. no lies. based on a true story experienced by dann." lol
  16. Knoctur_nal

    Knoctur_nal |Force 10 from Navarone|

    that first story was hilarious
  17. kdotc

    kdotc 안녕하세요빅뱅K-Dragon입니다

    didn't u post this already...i think i read it b4
  18. Knoctur_nal

    Knoctur_nal |Force 10 from Navarone|

    oh shit...kodak caught ya copy and pastin.
  19. yea you read it off my facebook notes lol

    yea i did copy pasted, and i copy pasted from myself lol

    i was just lazy to write the whole thing again, so i pasted both my stories from my facebook notes haha
  20. fearless_fx

    fearless_fx Eugooglizer

    lol in japan there have been tons of cases of women getting 'groped' on the subway cuz its so crowded and men just go for it... so now they have 'women only' traincars. hahaha those horny japanese men, its so perverted yet strangely funny.
