
Discussion in 'Science, Technology & Car Chat' started by ralliart, Apr 8, 2007.

  1. Vinnie_boy

    Vinnie_boy Well-Known Member

    Well that might be the case over where you are but it was overstocked over here.
  2. hiake

    hiake Vardøgr of da E.Twin

    I got the 1mm strap already with the Wii mote which came with Wii Play. It was a HUGE different (thought it still eludes me how can anyone break that strap...)
  3. jammer8798

    jammer8798 Member

    i want one keyed wiiiiiiii!!!
  4. Wabble

    Wabble Member

    friends got a wii and nobody plays it anymore....its jus sitting there on the floor collecting dust.......

    and of course the 360 has the best titles out now cuz its been out longer....thats like a no brainer......

    im still gonna get the ps3 but the 360 looks good only for Gears of War though : /
  5. asiangang

    asiangang Well-Known Member

    well i just got a wii for my b-day...i was pretty lucky...they just had stock and i got the last 1! (they had 10) now im trying to buy another remote thingy but outa stock everywhere!...
  6. hiake

    hiake Vardøgr of da E.Twin

    Go bribe the sale reps at BestBuy or something... Though I just found out that the stock is WAY more available now, my friend was able to get Wii + extra Wii mote.
  7. reno

    reno Well-Known Member

    heard they've released rampage on wii~
    i soooo wanna play it, tho im sure it won't last long lolz
    such oldschool game, remember playing that so much like 10 years ago!!

    wonder if it has the same amoutn of fun to it now... just can't justify spending another 100 on it ><
  8. amiboshi

    amiboshi Member

    a 1mm thick one? bah, here's a sure way to guarantee it won't fly anywhere....

  9. reno

    reno Well-Known Member

    we were referring to the extra 1mm thickness compared to the original release

    and that pic.,.. nice idea but still not flawless
    the chain breaks, still gonna fly =P
    or just the plastic bit htat attaches to the chain, it'd break sooner or later =P

    just need to microchip our arms and thats our controller =D
  10. -Ichigo-

    -Ichigo- New Member

    rofl @amiboshi ^^
    wii is great i want to have it >.< no money
  11. hiake

    hiake Vardøgr of da E.Twin

    I have no idea why people can have their wiimote flying even with the thinner string. I guess they live in places more humid than mine.

    Hahaha, I wish, the future of virtual reality!!
  12. Reaper113

    Reaper113 Member

    Oh Wii....why do you still elude me. Been searching for it everywhere but where i live every electronic store only gets like 5 in stock A WEEK. So it's like a race to see who will screw off their morning to get a Wii....and sadly i have classes in the morning and i have skipped one too many as it is :p.....o well i'll keep looking and looking.....sigh
  13. amiboshi

    amiboshi Member

    Well, it seems like a pretty common problem to a lot of people.

    Just browse all the articles on this site, it'll show you some of the ones that were reported just to this site. Imagine the ones that don't know about the site, and haven't gotten reported.


    BTW, I feel sorry for the cat that had to get its hip replaced...
  14. tonkachi

    tonkachi Well-Known Member

    my wii sits on my game shelf collecting dust....i've played it about a total of 2hr's in the past 2 months....the wii to me is a novalty...u get it u play it and it gets old....
  15. hiake

    hiake Vardøgr of da E.Twin

    Sell it on eBay while it's still short-stocked at some places.
  16. fearless_fx

    fearless_fx Eugooglizer

    ^ yeah listen to Hiake, get rid of it while you can.. nintendo is gonna ship out tons of Wii's in the coming months. use the money u get to buy a real system like Xbox360 or PS3
  17. macking99

    macking99 New Member

    wii is fun, just not enough games for it though
    need more games with multiplayer and online
  18. reno

    reno Well-Known Member

    can't u place an order or do some pre-orders with a deposit
    i'm sure they'll save u one =)