nah its all good. theres no need for me to put a point on the guys team, cuz we're clearly beating your girls team eh kmart
kdotc... you must want to be my best buddy or something to be chasing a female version of me... very flattering... but sorry to break it.. i dont roll that way lol
dude.. no girl would wanna pose as a man on the internet.. now hypothetically speaking, if i WAS a girl, i wouldnt wanna be posin as a guy.. but you on the other hand... you wanna be posin as a girl in this thread.. shows that theres something wrong wit you lol
quel gueule... j'parlerai quebecois comme ca il n'comprend pas. mais tabarnak.. calice... il m'tappe sur les nerfs... il dit qu'il me gagne... ca montre qu'il est pede (gay) lol