Okay, so I'm sure most of you GUYS (and girls have said or) at least heard the common "Yeah, he's a really nice guy, but he's not my type" phrase at least once in your life. I know women are mysterious creatures, but this one topic always manages to confuse me. Why are women so attracted to jerks? I mean, I understand why women like tough guys over most other types, and yes it is down to the individual, but it seems that girls generally prefer the assholes. An honest girl will usually tell you that she would rather date the "bad boy" down the street than the "nice guy" next door. Why? How come when a guy treats a girl like s***, they'll overlook their idiocracy and continue obessing over them, meanwhile passing up the guy that's always there for them and treats them well? I would most like to hear from girls, but guys are also welcome to answer if need be. And NO SPAMMING please, I'm looking for some serious discussions. -rolleyes I also attached a poll to this thread for the PA girls to vote for which guy they would rather date just for the hell of it. And BE HONEST girls. No one will know which option you chose.
^ more like a homo boy. lol jsk EDIT: oh and since the author did ask for a serious discussion, well, in that case, im not too sure. some girls like nice guys, while others like jerks and morons. im the former lol
Isn't it obvious? Girls don't like wussies. The stereotype that is often associated with a nice guy is that he is 1. Clingy 2. Submissive 3. Predictable 4. Boring Jerks? 1. Challenging 2. Confident (at least they're good at making it seem like so) 3. Spontaneous 4. Exciting If you were a girl, which would you choose? Women are attracted to jerks because of the challenge to change them. Nice guys can initially give off an aura of being possessive and jealous which always turns women off.
whoa... Whoa.. just.. WHOA... calm down there msg.. now thats a stereotype... not all fall in that 1. Clingy 2. Submissive 3. Predictable 4. Boring ^ big stereotyping lol
hahaha MSG why stereotype? you know not all "nice guy" are like that. Im a nice guy and i dont have low self esteem, and i dont blame others for my problems. I dont classify as a jerk cos i dont put down girls and i dont act like im all big and perfect. OK i might be a little bit shy and gutless but still ~ BTW jm3 if i was you i would add another option on that poll saying "I am not a homosexual man so i would not like either thank you" lol
Nice is like a non-commitial description not unsimilar to "he's human", it kind of equates "boring" to me. Example: Mr. Nice Guy Me: What do you want to do? Mr. Nice guy: I'm alright, up to you. Me: How about food? Movie? Mr. Nice guy: 'm cool with any of them. Case 1: Food Me: Where do you want to eat? Mr. Nice guy: Where do you like? I'm not picky. Case 2: Movie Me: What movie do you want to see? Mr. Nice guy: We'll see which one we can go to at the cinema, I don't mind as long as I don't have to wait for it (and/or a chick flick). Result: Not decisive = very aggrevating. Example: Jerk (or something like that, Mr. Not-so-nice Guy) Me: What do you want to do? Jerk: I'm okay as long as it's not boring. Me: Food? Movie? Case 1: Food Me: Where do you want to eat? Jerk: OMG I hated that restaurant, anywhere but there. Hmm, I think I feel like Korean. Case 2: Movie Me: What movie do you want to see? Jerk: There's this super kick a$$ action going on right now, let's go see that! OR some comedies. Me: At least now I can argue with him for NOT wanting to see this retarded comedy nor the stupid action film. Result: Stimulates conversation. And I will take interesting (both good and bad ones) over boring any day, at least it's intelligently challenging
Hiake your version of a jerk is not really a jerk i dont think cos even a nice guy can do that lol and your version of a nice guy is not really a nice guy. They are what we call people with no life which in many cases totally not the same as nice guys (but sometimes a nice guy might not have a life either making him a total loser)
Well, I only say a person is nice if they don't have any other attribute that I can describe him/her with. So "being nice" is not exactly the same as "a nice person" to me ^^b And of course, the typical jerks are the type that I would avoid, most of them are intellectually inferior and has a HUGE ego. Though often good looking ^^b
ahem i dont know where you live and in what background you live in but over here where i live jerks are normally skin heads with a brain the size of an orange. Thats why to them a "best catch" is some one who is like 3-4 years younger than them with a brain even smaller than theirs
HAHAHA, love the orange-sized brain metaphor. Very appropriate Well, I can only say that I don't qualify as "good catch" to them -cool
i think im pretty nice guy i respect others decision.. and i try to not hurt people feelings... hiake i dont know about ur experience with "nice guys " and "jerks" buts its pretty stupid to say that "nice guys" dont have a decision of there selfs.. even "jerks" can be "boring"
To me, "being nice" is like a pre-requisite for human beings. So unless that particular individual don't have any other characteristics I can describe, THEN I would say he/she's nice. Which in turn implies boring. I don't have the Nice or Jerk dividing line in the world, it's more like Nice vs. Interesting human beings vs. Jerk. And nice and jerk is like the statistical minority...
mmm... ribs were damn good.. edit: oh.. my bad... wrong thread.. to compensate, imma write a post about something related bout this... hmmmmm............ being a nicey nice guy.... or a jerky jerk guy..... both aint good... so why not be both? you'll be right in the middle! not boring, not assfaced! the einstein solution! DOH! lol
^plz use like less difficult english.. i have slept 5 hours in the last 48 hours XD and prolly even if i had good sleep i maybe had to read it 10 times before i understand.. cba to do it now but hiake if U can choose between the nice ( caring about u and boring guy) and the jerk ( doesnt give a shit about u and only want sex BUT is less boring guy) . what would u choose?