Nice Guy VS Jerk?

Discussion in 'Love and Relationships' started by jm3, Apr 12, 2007.


Nice Guy or Jerk?

  1. Nice Guy

    27 vote(s)
  2. Jerk

    6 vote(s)
  3. I don't know what I want

    12 vote(s)
  1. hiake

    hiake Vardøgr of da E.Twin

    ^ rotten flesh. I won't go near it.
  2. good thing for you mine taste like marinated bone marrow. but noone is gonna have a piece of it.
  3. hiake

    hiake Vardøgr of da E.Twin

    What did you marinate it with?
  4. sssshhhhtttt its dann's secret recipe. if the recipe happens to be leaked out, it will be the end of me, as everyone will be of equal interlligence -innocent2
  5. hiake

    hiake Vardøgr of da E.Twin

    tell me lah, pretty please. Since our post count's the same... before I post this :p

    Such coincidence warrant celebration! Tell me your recipe lah~

    (omg... i havent noticed we're both pass the 900s... thanks for letting me know haha)

    for that, i shall consider. as for now, you get a sexy brain cookie, marinated in some of dann's special recipe.
  7. Whoa Whoa Whoa... I think you've completely wrote down the wrong response from a Jerk... lemme fix your lil obscured perception...

    The Jerk (hiake POV, edited response)

    Me: What do you want to do?
    Jerk: Let's Fuck
    Me: Food? Movie?
    Jerk: If we must... but we fucking later...

    Case 1: Food
    Me: Where do you want to eat?
    Jerk: Fuck anywhere as long as I'm not paying for it...
    Burger King if I'm taking your ass...

    Case 2: Movie
    Me: What movie do you want to see?
    Jerk: Any movie... as long as you blow me in the back...
    Fuck any movie as long as I'm not paying for it...
    Me: Alright you decide... I want you to take charge and treat me like shit as I've been loved by family and friends for way too long... -worship

    and.... End of Scenario...
  8. hiake

    hiake Vardøgr of da E.Twin

    LOL, I guess I have a different definition of a jerk. Those are a species of sub-human in your scenario.

    But then, I guess to some at least they would be straight-forward (instead of beating around the bush with p0rn talk) -unsure
  9. oh did I mention that scenario would be for the 1st date... :D

    that's because they wanna beat up the bush...
  10. see, hiake, your definition of jerk, is the dude in the middle i said before.

    now eat my special dann cookie and all will be clear.
  11. hiake

    hiake Vardøgr of da E.Twin

    =_=b Hm, brain...
  12. Hell is it me... or should females be glad they're even lucky enough to get a Nice guy..

    cuz correct me if I'm wrong.. but...

    there's about 15 Types of women of avoid and only 9 things guys could look for in a women...
  13. ^ true say..
  14. Example: Mr. Nice Guy

    Me: What do you want to do on Saturday? How about food? Movie?
    Mr. Nice guy: Let's have a picnic.
    Me: But I can't cook!!
    Mr. Nice guy: Don't worry, I'll prepair everything. Just tell me what you like and what you don't like. I'll pick u up at 10:30. It's an hour drive from my place to your's, is that OK?

    Example: Mr. Jerk

    Me: What do you want to do? Food? Movie?
    Jerk: OK.

    Case 1: Food
    Me: Where do you want to eat?
    Jerk: Let's just drive down the corner shop and get a kebab and u can get a pie.
    Case 2: Movie
    Me: What movie do you want to see?
    Jerk: Just get Saw III at DVD rental for $2.95 and head back to my place. No one's home till 6:30.

    3 hrs later~~~

    Jerk: I'm so tired. I'll drop you off at the bus stop. Which one's has more buses?
  15. Pwhahaha... that's hella funny.... Which one has more buses... LMAO.. -lol ahahahah

    lol... we all know why the guys don't want you cooking now don't we Dawn... -lol
  16. hahaha funny how everyone has different def of nice and jerks lol
  17. casshern

    casshern Well-Known Member

    Because they like the thrill and challenge. It's the excitement of the hunt, to try and tame the beast. Face it, girls are attracted to jerks because they are hard to get and by nature humans want what we cant have. Ever wanted something so badly, but because you don't have the money to get it, it makes you want it even more? Same idea here.

    Girls are not attracted to "nice guys" because they try too hard to please. Girls want someone who is confident and does things on his own terms. Most girls do not want a guy that will do anything they want automatically (aka pussy-whipped, pushover, ect.). They want to EARN IT, kinda like playing a game and earning points. Also, when a nice guy does nice things it's normal, so it often goes unappreciated.

    But when a jerk does something nice, it's more noticeable since it is not the norm and it has a degree of unpredictability. Most girls like a certain degree of unpredictability.

    With me, I approach every girl differently. You have to keep the girl excited so TALK LESS. Play hard to get and NEVER give them your full attention. Show her that she doesn't mean sh!t too you. Girls who are attractive are used to getting stares, looks and compliments by majority of guys. That's why you need to sh1t talk her and make fun of her. This will make her chase you in a sense. She'll use any means necessary to get your attention. Ultimately sex and whatever. We all know that jerks come off as being arrogant, so basically girls like jerks who are in control. That's why nice guys have a hard time being competitive with jerks. They have no control.

    No. If you are what a GIRL considers "a nice guy", you are boring and predictable. Fact.

    And that's not contradicting?

    That's where the problem is. Nice guys are too accepting. Jerks are generally more demanding. Think about it, what helps you grow more, someone who pushes you and stretches your abilities, or someone who accepts almost anything you do? Know those teachers who demand hella sh!t from students in school? Those are the students that are more likely to succeed. This is why nice guys become boring, they don't cause girls to grow. If "nice" guys would say a harsh word when their gf is late for a date, she wouldn't need to fall for really abusive guys. Also if a girl can get away with treating you badly, how can she trust you to protect her from being treated badly by others?

    Jerks can be boring, but what are the chances of you running into a boring jerk versus a boring nice guy?

    No one wants to date a boring a$$ person. I sure as fu-k wouldn't. But I guess you would.

    Girls like someone who is basically a good person but has flashes of evil that keep them interested. No one wants to watch the Weather Channel all day but Hard-Core porn 24/7 gets old too.

    Having said that, cheers to jerks [​IMG]
  18. AVANT

    AVANT Well-Known Member

    LOL. Why is one called "nice guy" and the other "jerk"?

    If you're attempting to compare extremes like that, one is the "wuss" the other is the "jerk".

    And yes, it's the people who know how to balance between the 2 that are the real winners.
  19. hey!!! u wait till i shove my cooking down ur throat >.<
  20. casshern

    casshern Well-Known Member

    Because most girls consider nice guys "wussies". When a female calls someone a "nice guy" that usually indicates that he's a boring pushover. If you're someone in between, girls like to use other terms to describe you. i.e. sexy, great, perfect, ect. but rarely "nice".