lol he is right.. this girl is just too strange lookin... i dont care what her body is like, i wouldnt tap it, she needs to get outa the tanning booth and into the surgeon's chair -devil
u never know she can man for all u know the girl on the left is a man the right is my homegirl .... u think u can tell men n women apart (asia sf if u ever come to san francisco ...... the place got me scared of looking at women)
yeah but there were much better looking ones it the only photo of a tranny i could find ..... suprisingly leonardo decaprio asked this girl for her number ... (the picture doesnt do she/he any justice....
damn.. that man is better lookin then alot of girls iv seen... if a guy can pull that off, the ugly chick's iv seen should be able to afford some cosmetic enhancements
^ n now u know y in afraid to look at females.... u never know what they can have in their pants......
^ so the shemale in the picture was at some preimir party down in la for some movie and leonardo decaprio was there n didnt know that she was a man n asked her for her number..... thats basicly it.... thats not really the best some of the trannys at that resturant have won awards for modeling contest n buety pagents..... they reallllllyyyy look like attractive female..... ... so of em i just tryed to not look cus it just made me feel gay ...... scary...... heres anotehr but not as good of a pic... u cant see as good and another at AsiaSF and Bowling 3-30-07/AsiaSf025.jpg this ones side ways ( the one in the white is a man) at AsiaSF and Bowling 3-30-07/CIMG5532.jpg
lol nice... dont wanna promote this kinda thing though, this is the mixed asian thread. if uv got lotsa tranny pics, make an 'official transexual thread' bahaha
angloasians are the best. no doubt about it. they get both the cuteness from the asian and the sexy from the anglo race.
i guess this relates to this thread...<_< appearently Leah Dizon is trying to be a japanese pop singer... for mv and her song visit her site: didn't know she was japanese....
OMG, stop quoting that ^ picture, WTF *barfs* On the otherhand, mixed Thai girls are so f-uking hot -inlove