Last movie you saw?

Discussion in 'Hollywood Entertainment' started by Akademik, Jan 30, 2005.

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  1. Knoctur_nal

    Knoctur_nal |Force 10 from Navarone|

    V for Vendetta
  2. kokkin

    kokkin Member

    Last movie l watched was "Forest of Death"...

  3. hiake

    hiake Vardøgr of da E.Twin

    OMG, LOVED Bladerunner.

    V for Vendetta was okay. But the dystopia vision was quite amazing visually.
  4. i saw an old school movie last night.

    i saw all three canonballrun movies lmao so jokes hahhaaha
  5. Taxloss

    Taxloss Stripper Vicar

    Last movie I saw in a theatre was Hard Candy I think...On my own dvd player it would be Infernal Affairs 1, 2 and 3. In one evening.
  6. SUSIE-DANG-1988


    last movie was .... It's A Wonderful Life - 心想事成
  7. hiake

    hiake Vardøgr of da E.Twin

    How was Hard Candy??? I wanted to see it just for Heath Ledger. Got mixed review though...
  8. Taxloss

    Taxloss Stripper Vicar

    Well, erm I had mixed feelings about it too; it's quite hard to believe a 14 year old can/dare to set up a trap to catch a pedofile by her own. But if you can look past that it's quite an amusing film, especially if you love the torture/revenge films like I do and have more or less the same fantasies what you will do to a pedofile if you get the chance.
  9. 14 year old? and a pedophile? what are you watching lol
  10. Taxloss

    Taxloss Stripper Vicar

    Haha, I forgot to mention...'Hard Candy' is a cool psychological thriller for females
    and a pure horror film for males. -rolleyes
  11. Knoctur_nal

    Knoctur_nal |Force 10 from Navarone|

    BladeRunner is one of my all time fav movies. Its started a whole damn era of sci flicks.
  12. ........ this... is one messed up movie....

    a synopsis....


    yyooo... pedo or not, you cant do this to any guy.... no... just... no..
  13. Taxloss

    Taxloss Stripper Vicar

    I told you it was a 100% horror film for guys whether you're a pedo or not....
  14. damn.... it pains me to think about it... i was like... oh.. maybe its a worth while movie... but apparently i was greatly mistaken...
  15. Taxloss

    Taxloss Stripper Vicar

    Ah come one, don't chicken out now! Show how many guts you have by watching this film!

    ...without making protecting gestures with your hands on your lower body part... -devil
  16. hiake

    hiake Vardøgr of da E.Twin

    Hm, sounds good. Though I would totally feel cheated if I went in with the poster in mind (sweet pedophilic love?). But it's HEATH LEDGER!!! *heart* Thriller, another plus. Horror film for male, another plus!

    It was, wasn't it? The whole dystopia thing going on. And the 80's shoulder padding for power women :p
  17. thats... uh... impossible lol
  18. hiake

    hiake Vardøgr of da E.Twin

    Saw Kinky Boots just now and, despite its suggestive title, the film itself is a feel-good comedy/drama.

    Surprisingly well performed and the well-chosen accompanying soundtrack is a huge PLUS.

    @ Taxloss, I mixed up Candy (with Heath Ledger) and Hard Candy (with Ellen Page) so I am going to hide in shame now >_< Still want to see Hard Candy though, ALONG with Candy...


    I just saw Kinky Boots today. Contrary to its suggestive name, it's a comedy drama type hailing from the UK. It's one of those feel-good comedies which every single thing is SO predictable but I still like it, considering the actors did really well in their performances. And old school songs made a great soundtrack to accompany this film.

    I personally like this film much better than The Reaping even though it's not from a genre I like (while The Reaping comes from a genre and topic which I LOVE, from Dark Castle no less).
    #378 hiake, Apr 15, 2007
    Last edited: Apr 15, 2007
  19. fearless_fx

    fearless_fx Eugooglizer

    I watched 'My Friend Irma' and 'The Caddy' starring Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis this weekend. Kinda nice to watch and old black and white classic once and a while; it really gives you and impression of how far the movie industry has come. Back in the day the only thing you had to work with were your own talent and physical props... now you can make an entire movie on a bluescreen and instead of classy songs you have people yelling 'THIS IS SPARTAAAAA!'
  20. hiake

    hiake Vardøgr of da E.Twin

    Nice. I sort of get that feeling when I watch Fritz Lang's Metropolis not 2 weeks ago. The music! The set!!! And it's silent film too. Sigh...

    Anyways, I was totally double posting just now. So I deleted the 2nd message...
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