i dun mind with or without but i've got a thing for shades i dunno, i think shade on a guy make him look so "ying" (cool)
guys with glasses i think tend to look more intellectual. i love hk boys who wear those plastic framed glasses lol-so cute-but sometimes glasses can make someone look more harry potter rather than anythin else -nono
hahah i agree...gosh hk guys...*sigh*...like i said...glasses make you kno what you doing...but..hihi no harry potter please!
I think it depends on the guy. Some guys look good in glasses, some dun. Gives a different image for a different occasion. And there is always the option of contact lenses. O.. n thick frame specs are quite IN anyway
LMAO that girl is just stupid and a biatch there is NOTHIGN wrong with guys wearing glasses. sometimes it even makes them more sohpisticated or hotter.. depending on how the guy looks like that is
I think it is her excuse to get away from that guy. I doubt the glasses would make a huge different. It isn't the end of the world!! Move on dude!!
it's not about the glasses here, I mean either the girl loves you or not, if there is no feeling then no way
glasses? i want glasses.. there are types of glasses that give the geek look, the sleek look and the i-mean-business-bitch look lol and i want the latter one
A girl that dumped a guy because he has glasses must be retarded. If she really cares about that, why did they even go out in the first place. People with glasses look more nicer and intelligent.
That's a sad person if she dumps her boyfriend because he has to wear glasses. The glasses of nowadays are very cool and sexy and yeah it often makes someone look more intelligent. Glasses are a fashion accessory!
damn shes really mean. i think guys are cute with glasses ^_^ i wear glasses too and i think i look cute in them . HAHAHAHaH
do looks really matter? because if they do... shit i'm screwed. hahaha... that's actually not funny hmm.. yeah it is =D i think glasses are cute, but that's my personal opinion. i guess it's different for everybody. different people have different values and stuff. when i got my glasses i looked really different, not necessary ugly, or in my case uglier, but just different. if looks are really important to that girl then there's nothing you can do about it. i know some guys who are also extremely shallow. they say girls got to have big boobs and a nice patooty, if you get my drift. well..i'm big in all the wrong places! and the places where there's supposed to be something, there isn't! it's sad i know.. just be happy that you do have a girlfriend. and enjoy your relationship while you can. if you truly like your girlfriend, and vice versa, you should trust her a little more. have a little faith, she IS your girlfriend after all... don't take this the wrong way, but i'd be a little offended if my boyfriend thought that i was a shallow person... and if you end up getting dumped, know that it was for the better. well i hope i helped? and if i offended you in any way, i didn't mean to. well good luck!
i doubt it was the glasses, prolly they had problems to begin w/ n yea some guys does look hot in glasses, esp those black frame square lookin ones