lol i know how you feel, i was an extremely shy person too.. but then i figured, how long am i going to just wait for him (in my case since i'm a girl) to look my way? how long am i going to pretend that i don't care and how long will it take for him to notice me if i just sit here, wishing he would come sit next to me? i didn't have the balls (? i don't have balls either way but whatever) either, but i truly liked that guy. so i got me some balls, became extremely obvious and started talking to him like there was no tomorrow. i suggest you do the same. maybe, not so gregariously but make an effort. if you're still too shy at least let her know you're there. say hi when you walk in, smile at her, and be extremely nice and sweet. cause girls like that. once you start talking to her, crack some jokes, make her laugh... if she smiles at you the next time you meet, or talks to you first, then you know you've made some progress.. it only takes a little to make a girl fall head over heels over a nice, sweet, and funny guy. it all depends on how you handle everything. if you're going to keep being shy, you're not going to get anywhere in any type of situation. i think shy people are just scared of what might happen, no offense. if you get turned down, then hey so be it, you tried.. on the other hand, you might not get turned down. if you don't do anything, you'll never know.
trying to find out who he really is and fish him out to tell us the whole story. The ppl that come out to defend him is probably him.
why do you even care.. hes just some random dude on the internet. now on the other hand,, if you care about such little things, better get yourself a life before you start writing similar threads on PA.
ya know.. im not gonna bother starting beef with some gayass, lifeless internet loser who is determined to think that im wolf. if you think im wolf, go right fucking ahead. others here know that im not. youre just a dip shit loser who has nothing better to do with his life then to start shit up on the internet. ive got just a few words for you son, get laid man, you really need it bad. below = baLUU lol loser
yo y u messing with my boi........dan is gangster...effing KL mofo.....he'll shank u lol...he's not a loser well maybe he is cause he asked dannie riel out then got rejected and me and her hooked up hahahaha
all you need to say is "Hi (her name)" once, the next time you see her and if she doesnt talk to you first.. just smile and say "you snob" then she will keep saying hi in the future (hopfully) lol then you can start talking to her more.
Are I think your story was really sweet! You have a crush on a girl but you don't know how to express your feelings that it sooooo sweet! But anyway back to your problem, Well to be honest if you don't make a move quick you'll lose any chance of being with her. Take your time, theres no rush but atleast show her your a slight interested in her. Like for example talk to her in class, ask her where she's from and what does she do? I know your quite shy when it comes to girls you like, but why don't you try and be friends with her first and get to know her that way. You have to start from somewhere,right?
oh yeh dont wait too long to express your feelings cause someone else may pick her up before you do. if you really want her, drink some alcohol in the school toilets then im sure you wont be shy anymore but i wouldnt recommend that just in case you get caught by the teachers and you will blame me.
^ Like the guy who wanted to get his girlfriend to start smoking... these thread is like a must for newbies