Nissan priced its Altima Hybrid sedan at $25,015, undercutting the Toyota Camry Hybrid’s base price by $1,805—even though the Nissan uses Toyota’s hybrid electric powertrain in the Altima. Altima Hybrid will be sold only in eight states (California, Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New York, Rhode Island, Vermont), and Nissan says it qualifies for a federal tax credit of $2,350 under the IRS Alternative Vehicle Credit.
meeh. another hybrid. I dont know, i feel wierd driving a hybrid. just doesnt have the "car" feel that u get from driving gas powered. and if feel its easy to break.
see... with a mind set like that, we ask ourselves why the world is getting polluted... why dont the freaking car companies make some hydrogen fuel cells cars?? i heard somewhere that ford ceo said that they only make cars how consumers want them to be... ass... he got technologies to make the world better and with money flowing into his ass like reversed diarrhea, he wont do it. bastard. i want to pump some of the remaining rare fossil fuel up his ass too...
i read that a prius is worse off than a hummer! so much for hybrids.... tho the report i read mite of been biased, there were still lotsa good points all the hybrids listed info focus on the minimal acceleration and low travelling speeds plus, of course accelerating while ur already moving needs less energy as compared to standing start they also mentioned that in making hte batteries, the waste caused does much more harm that the overall benefits in using the hybrids ah wells.... i'd never get one anyway
as much as I'd like to stop depending on foreign oil... hydrogen is not reasonable either... in order to get the hydrogen, we still require the same(approximate) amount of fossil fuels to extract the hydrogen from water to fill those hydrogen tanks to run those hydrogen vehicles... in other words... instead of using 20million barrels of oil a day... we'd be using 20million barrels of coal a day for our hydrogen(numbers aren't scientifically correct, just used to get the point across)
^ suggest us a way to get great power out of our cars, and making our cars green.. the only way to make a car powerful is thru combustion.. electricity is weak.. and most people want powerful cars.. if they cant get them, they wont go for electric...
best alternative is to go nuclear. Well, maybe not in cars, but as an alternative energy source, nuclear is the best way to go at the moment, at least until we have a more reliable, clean, and efficient power source than coal or gas.
^ isnt fuel cells nuclear too? the shuttle is powered the same way as a fuel cell.. and thats called nuclear fission...
yes, it works in shuttles (I think), but shuttles don't have to worry about crashing into other vehicles and causing potential radiation hazards
I'm sticking up for the Hybrids, especially the Prius. Who says Motors are weak, they put out more torque then any engine and any RPM. So a hybrid would launch off the line faster then a normal car. Yah the motor part can only go up to around 60 kmh, then the engine usually kicks in. Also if the batterys are disposed of properly, then in no way does it effect the environment. Sorry kapo, people seem to not like hybrids alot. lol
question is, do batteries ever get disposed of properly? its just making up landfill like everything else =/
If they give the dead batteries to the recycling people (I think...) then it will. But some people just throw them in the garbage. But if the dealership takes care of them then it should be disposed of properly by the dealer.
just because a car is electric doesn't mean it can't be powerful... 0-60 in 4 seconds Toyota Hybrid concept 400hp Custom modded RX-7 runs 11secs on a 1/4 newayz... I never said that we should use electric cars either... I'm just stating that hydrogen is definitly not the way to go unless there's a clean way to acquire it... and as of today's technology... there isn't...
electric cars are getting more a few years it won't amaze me that most cars will go hybrid
hydrogen cars are strong i wont deny but how safe is it...fuel does burn fast but how about condensed air...