How important are LOOKS to you?

Discussion in 'Love and Relationships' started by blackmagic, Aug 3, 2006.

  1. xiaojia

    xiaojia Well-Known Member

    They are important.. no matter how much I will like to believe otherwise.. they are important. But, they are not the most important. Definitely not anywhere near my top priorites. For me, a person's character can balance looks. You can't use an extreme ugly as an example.. cos to balance that, you will need a saint for character...
  2. qpower

    qpower Well-Known Member

    Well, after a certain point, even the most beautiful person will look like everyone else . The most important thing about a person is the personality, since that what a person deals with everyday, not the face.
  3. Jun

    Jun Well-Known Member

    looks is important to me to a certain extend...i'll pick a normal looking girl with good personality ahead of a hot chick with bad personality anytime
  4. Thisdamngood

    Thisdamngood Well-Known Member

    Looks is the first thing I look at when judging a girl. Personality comes second.
  5. honkiebonkie

    honkiebonkie Well-Known Member

    yea, i agree. but none the less, teens these days are obsessed with "leng jais" and "leng lois"

    mayb its the effect of the "ming sings?";) -unsure
  6. i like big butts an i cannot lie.
    you otha brothas cant deny.
    that when a girl walks in with a itty bitty waist an
    a round thing in yo face.

    you get SPRUNG.
  7. reno

    reno Well-Known Member

    well 1st impressions do last (for a while)

    but once u get to know them, its not abt the looks anymore

    but of course, if u had the choice, u'd always go for hte pretty one =D
  8. laziboi

    laziboi Well-Known Member

    looks are the most important thing for me! always try to look best when i go out, sometimes when i cant do my hair properly, i would just wear a hat and go out lol. but i dont like it when i look good one day and the day after i look like shit, people judge me. i hate that !
  9. personality powns looks! tho looks is a bit important to me.. but average looking girl is enough for meh xD
  10. MissCheekS

    MissCheekS Reconnaîssant ❤

    I think looks are not really that important... I'd date a guy whos not so good looking if he has personality but i wouldnt date a guy who looks good without personality.
    As for myself... Sometimes when i feel lazy and have no important place to go i dont care what the hell i look like... but when i go to work/school or hang out with friends i try my best to look nice
  11. laziboi

    laziboi Well-Known Member

    sometimes i would go down the main street wearing the clothes i slept in. everyone down the street would be wearing a suit or casual clothing and ill be in a donald duck shirt and some trackies haha. makes me stand out
  12. Aznmask

    Aznmask Well-Known Member

    Is this staement true? czu it require parent's permission.. anyway i think looks is very important in this society. Because everyone judge by their first instance, their look could be a major influence.
  13. xiaojia

    xiaojia Well-Known Member

    Exactly.. its reality. People do judge a book by its cover.. at least at the beginning. But without a beginning, there will be no end.
  14. 1xplicitchik

    1xplicitchik Well-Known Member

    i agree with aznmask i hear friends say looks dun matter but if they look at themselves from my perspective i notice that they talk to a guy when they see that there cute or watever before they even approach them if i point out sum fat looking guy they woudln't even bother to care to talk to him so yup even for myself personality alwayz comes in second place after i judge them base on there looks before i approach them =D
  15. xiaojia

    xiaojia Well-Known Member

    ^haha.. actions speak louder than words. People dun always do what they say. Sometimes, they might not even know that they contradict themselves.
  16. AC0110

    AC0110 Let the Fun Begin

    I believe that's a false statment as personality do change...
    You don't think the same as you were 10 years old and that you don't think the same when you're 50...

    That's why there is so many divorce because people change... ;)
  17. mountd

    mountd Member

    Looks are important but sometimes people are ugly in your eyes may not be the same for others. Afterall, I guess first impression is everything.
  18. Kher89

    Kher89 Well-Known Member

    Looks are very important.Other than looks,muz have inner beauty too.Good looks onli is not enough.
  19. edmundteh

    edmundteh Well-Known Member

    ya. totally agree, a kind heart is still the best
  20. Lilydream

    Lilydream Well-Known Member

    i think ppl who say that the personnality is what they looking first ion someone lie!!!
    because know someone take time and mean that u have to have a really good judgement...
    When i meet someone the first thing i look at is the way that this person dress..then i look at his hand and if this person smelt or not ...and after all these thing i look at the way he talk ..if he has good manners or not....
    I don't care about the face, the color or the style of the clothes...