lol I guess you're right.. but damn... talk about killing.. I mean... breaking the stereotype that Asians are all nice students who excel in Math... that nigga went to school strapped...
I know it’s very sad news but can’t help thinking where the other threads are regarding the killing of innocent people elsewhere in the world. . . . Eg. What’s the difference???? There isn’t any. . . . . . Innocent people die because of some crazed individual I be this would happen again some where else, some mad cap crazesd mo fo's going to beat the record..!
I heard he was Korean resident alien? Anyways, to those trying to be politically correct about race. It wouldn't be more or less tragic of an event if the shooter was some other race. But I don't understand what the backlash is for, it is not as we're defending or justifying his actions in anyway shape or form. I was surprised to find out the fact that the shooter was Asian, so I brought it up for discussion.
sad, the policeman who made the decision shold get fired heh. what kind of monster will kill 30+ people....
this is really sad what happen in this campus ..but it show the lack of security there and then the government shouldn't authorized the weapons....there are crazy ppl averywhere in this earth and no one can guess this before it happen but some ppl who have the power can prevent this!!!
April 17, 2007 — Cho Seung-Hui, the student who killed 32 people and then himself yesterday, left a long and "disturbing" note in his dorm room at Virginia Tech, say law enforcement sources. Sources have now described the note, which runs several pages, as beginning in the present tense and then shifting to the past tense. It contains rhetoric explaining Cho's actions and says, "You caused me to do this," the sources told ABC News. ources say Cho, 23, killed two people in a dorm room, returned to his own dorm room where he re-armed and left the note, then went to a classroom building on the other side of campus. There, he killed 30 more people in four classrooms before shooting himself in the head. Witnesses say he was stone-faced as he opened fire. Sources say he may have had a romantic interest in a young woman who was found dead after the first shootings. A 'Troubled' Young Man Carolyn Rude, chairwoman of Virginia Tech's English department, is quoted as saying a colleague, Lucinda Roy, described Cho as "troubled." According to a report from the Associated Press, Roy was concerned enough about what Cho wrote in an assignment last year that she recommended he seek counseling. has posted the text of a play, purported to be by Cho, which describes a 13-year-old boy who accuses his stepfather of pedophelia, and ends with the boy's death. In the play, titled "Richard McBeef," the boy talks of killing his stepfather. Cho, born in South Korea, was a legal resident alien of the United States. He was a senior at Virginia Tech, majoring in English. [ ] holy crap... this kid was obviously super messed up... he should have gotten counciling years ago.
I think the second half of the shootings may have been stopped if the police had done thier job correctly and taken this situation alot more seriously especially because after the first shootings the shooter wasn't in custody and I would have thought that authority figures would be more aware of situations like this from past tragedies. If there were more police presence at the school in the very beggining I'm sure it would have created such a psychological impact on the shooter to stop him from ultimately deciding to do what he did. I say that because he had around a 2 hour time gap between the first shootings and the second. Obviously he was there to kill his girlfriend and when he was finished he had 2 hour to think about it and make up his final decision and the result of that is now history. Somebody needs to be held accountable at the police station.
No, it's the ritalin. I'll be back to normal when I can finally get off this sh!t. On the other hand, I think the guy must have been treated like fearless_fx back in high school, which would explain his bitterness that led to this horrific event. Mods, you should ban fearless and lock him up b4 he tries something like this. In fact, I'm submitting every Asian Member who is associated with him to the authorities. IP addresses and etc. should also be turned over. So what do you suggest, that we all turn a blind eye and treat it as if it never happened? I acknowledged these killings because it so happened to be a topic on PA. You're f-ucked up if you say this incident has no effect on you because the number of victims are insignificant. The families of the victims would beg to differ, and I bet your opinion wouldn't be the same had one of your family members been a victim. I don't see what's so odd about it. Sure, we feel for people who are hurt all around the world but we do not truly feel grief until it hits our back yard. That's for practically EVERYBODY, and you'd be a hypocrite for saying otherwise. Yes, this happens every day in Iraq; yes, this happens in North Korea; yes, this is happening in Darfur, but we are not directly affected because these incidents were not presently happening inside our country. However, this event tells us (Americans) that our school could very easily be the next Virginia Tech, so it makes sense that we show more concern for this occurance. It's narrow minded but it is the truth, and it's not like we are not trying to open our minds to the sensitive happenings around us. To understand pain, we have to experience it personally and that can't happen when the pain in thousands of miles away. Tell that to all those news anchors and racist white people.
lol always gotta get the last word in eh, just like all the girls i know. My high school life was actually pretty awesome, and i dont know anybody as messed up as this korean dude. If someone i knew started writing plays about pedo's and murder id definitely tell them to hit up a psychiatrist quick. However, my own life is pretty copecetic and I wont be goin on a shooting rampage any time soon. Now if you will excuse me, im gonna go back to playing violent video games, reading Mao's little red book, analyzing WMD blueprints and check my e-bay bid on that bulletproof vest. -rockon
yo cass... with over 740 members currently online, who knows... maybe someone IS going to report fearless -lol
@Dann, you are totally encouraging this fight aren't you? @fearless, um, it's copacetic. That's all... =_=b I guess I do not believe in profiling, never did. But I guess much of rest of the world still believe in it, thus the extensive profile every time a prepetrator is caught -- the news said it gave the item "context" or "textualize" it, but I think it's just more fuel to perpetuate hate and alienation. Which possibly lead to many crime. And no, the body count is not a factor besides the gimmick effect "wow 33 people are dead", again same "context" excuse. In fact I don't really need to know the body count nor the profile of the shooter to think it's a horrible event that should never have happened. Guess it's just me. Or perhaps the news need some punch to get audience to pay attention with their hypocritical sympathy (which will fade in what, 2 days if no further reporting is made to sustain this oh-so-not-apathetic feeling?) However, I beg to differ against the whole "only care when it's in our backyard" tone, it's in our backyard when the killing is on our tab (or our government's, at least) and when there are things to be done to possibly reverse such inhumanity. It's just that "war" as a concept made ANYTHING okay, which is NOT okay AT ALL. /rant
I think thats it surprising that there was another shooting in an american college cos its happened in the past. The police are still being idle. Has the motive been released?? Cos i want to know why the guy shot so many people.
First they thought it was a Shang Hai dude.. then as i watched the late news they confirmed it was a south Korean dude. The affair was about like.. him and his gf going to the councilor or something... and he killed them.. then headed for the classrooms and opened fire. At first Students thought it was construction workers but after screams they ran for it but to find that the gunman had chained all the doors so they where locked. When all police arrived Gunman opened fire on himself.. i think his name was.. Cho something Song? how the hell can that name be from shanghai? -ann But it confirmed his a south korean.
I was reading about it in the paper yesterday... God it's sooo scary... Saw his pic on the internet today...
Good point "casshern"... I always enjoy reading "hiake" post... High intellectual -clapclap... Anyways about the topic... Was anyone relieve when you realize it was not someone from China but rather it was someone from Korean?... There was this debate on our radio station today saying how they were ashame when they found out that the massacre was cause by someone from China... However was later relieved that it was a student from Korea? Was anyone else felt that way?
Can´t help it but yes I felt relieved when they said it was a South Korean guy. Saves me a lot of annoying comments to ward off.