For some weird reason girls are attracted to bad boys, we have a tendency of going out with so called good boys but then they become bad. And in our minds he think we can change the bad boy into a good boy again.
isn't it the other way around where girls think they can tame the bad boy?? it's always like those ancient tvb series where the obedient daughter of the high officials ends up falling for some street thug who somehow becomes a hero...
lol.. thats tv.. I dun believe in changing others. Its easier changing yourself, which is not easy in the first place. So forget abt changing others. lol.. am I toking sense? think im dead tired.. nite...
It is not flawed, nor is it "logic". Rather it is FACT. It happened. It is not hypertheoricial. I guess you haven't seen it all.
One of my friends has this theory that every jerk was once a nice guy, until they got screwed over and their girls got stolen by other jerks and assholes. lol But I think someone hit the jackpot when they said confidence is the main difference between a jerk and a nice guy. Girls supposedly dig guys with confidence regardless of their looks.
^ I concur. I like guys who have alot of confidence but sometimes they can get very self-center. I don't know about the whole jerk vs.nice guy thing because I dated both and at the end, they're just assholes who made me cry. Another thing which some have already mentioned. If a girl is indecisive about doing something or going somewhere etc., the guy should decide. Like right away! Cause I know I absolutely hate waiting to decide where to go, what to do, where to eat. esp. if it means waiting in the street.
The only FACT is that your comment made no sense. You said girls don't know how to differenciate between nice guys and jerks, then go on typing some bullsh!t about how some guy slashed a girl's tire and played hero, and the girl recognized him as a nice guy whereas you see him as a jerk. I don't see how the situation supports with your original statement. How the hell would you, a guy, have known that he slashed her tire if she didn't tell you? And wtf is hypertheoricial? It's HYPOTHETICAL. It's a vicious spiral of the evolution of a jerk xcuse. Some guys were always jerks - they use every opportunity to screw girls over and when a girl finally gets the chance to do it to them - they use it as an excuse to be what they always were.
who actually do a spell check on posts? you. lol. still in school? You don't have to read the post if you don;t like. you make too many ASSumptions and TRYING to act smart. Which you are not. There is no need for me to prove anything. From your posts, it seems like you are jerk. AGAIN for a second time, IT IS FACT. READ AGAIN. Who said the girl told me fuck???? Where did you get this ??? THE GUY Told me !!! Dick.
^ there's a good example for you ladies... don't date the jerk cause he's gonna piss off people and get his ass kicked... -lol
@adrianc Some of us just know how to spell better, I guess. And no, I am not encouraging a flame war. Cases of malice you mentioned does happen. However, how likely is an average "good-looking" girl going to meet a jerk (or an "average guy") desperate enough to jump them to have such elaborate plan?? It's not TV drama we are talking about, plus, maintaining a level of insecurity and suspicion towards the too-friendly is always healthy, especially for girls.
I didn't mention that HE also made spelling errors. I for one don;t spend much time re-reading what I write on the net since it is not of great importance. You would be surprised, on how many people actually do that. ppl that play "head games" are most likely to be that type, I find it quite amusing that you think it is an "elaborate" plan, and also desperation. It was by no means "desperate" . He was just fooling with her, and she fell for it, In fact, she comes from a very good family and has very good grades. But she lacks a lot in " street smarts" (which most girls don't have)...but have the academic intelligence. IMO, smarts versus intelligence is two different things.
nice guys always finish last, but if u want a wife, then u have to be a nice guy.. jerks attract the wrong kind of women =)
... I guess that taught her a very painful lesson then. What can I say. I grow up being bombarded with stories of all sorts of real horror, not the TVB drama where the good people always prevail and bad people punished. *shrugs*
^ Nah. I grow up plenty healthy. And the ego thing is VERY becoming of your unattractiveness. PS> I am not anybody's baby, young man.
Well. here's another example. If you read the text, this guy is plotiing to get the girl, of course you won't see it...
@adrianc: Well, I guess you are right. I don't. I don't see plotting (in the thread-starting post at least). It all boils down to how elaborate a plan will get you to consider it plotting. Will a girl dressing nicely so that the guy she likes notice her "plotting"? In that case, I guess most things in relationship comes down to plotting, someone intending to "get" another person. The type of things I consider plotting will be the slashing the tire or go (as the example goes) and borrow sugar from neighbour (lame, but since it's pretention, but it fragging happened) What exactly are we arguing again?