Yeah the link only states to send your info to b-lee to authenticate your existence however it doesn't say anything else on the other requirements like minimal post required and stuff. So can we safely assume that sending your info to b-lee be sufficient? or are there any requirements to the screening process that we newbies are unaware of?
Just like the rule said. No post limitations or anything like that. Just the screening process. Post limitation however can be set by the person that upped it. So in order to even be allowed in the DL section, you get screened. If you pass the screening, you enter the DL section. Once you enter the DL, there may be post counts set by varying users and you have to follow to get that particular DL.
^ im guessing http 404 page not found error ? Read this ----> basically the forums url is changed, it has an extra forum as for example in this threads its so for the chinese music <> is wrong (what it used to be) so now it should be update your bookmarks