blardy hell, people will eat almost anything these days. its a miracle its not a fear factor challenge yet
they will probably eat humans in the future. you'll get stabbed on the street and get dragged into the kitchen to get chopped up and cooked.
Human wouldn't taste all that great, considering we are omnivores. Mostly herbivores got better tasting flesh And yah, some threads never dies.
No point... No one seem to listen... The picture is the only thing people look at and they just post the comment and go on to the next thread -noclue (Yes, Hurray for ignorance)...
i heard eating babies keep ppl young and gives longevity. This article is old, do they still practice this?
Eating babies...poor, poor babies. I can't understand how this people can do can the restaurant sell a baby dish? Poor babies
dude... this HAS to be a joke or some sort. There is NO WAY... ABSOLUTELY NO WAY that anyone would allow this!!! This is just inhumane. I know China is over-crowded and the population is almost reaching to 2Billion but eating babies?!! That is sick man. Omg. Chinese people are sick... who the hell would eat a baby. I'm sorry if I offended anyone cause I'm chinese myself, but this is just ridiculous. I'm gonna go throw up.
It's not a taboo to hurt a boy, but it's because boys are prized in China. I've heard that some parents abort baby girls because of the whole one child thing in China--they really want boys that badly >_<. Basically, it's a man's world in China. But that really is disgusting =_=;;...I bet that old man is mentally deranged...62 yr old man and 19 yr old wife...Must be an arranged marriage? :\
holy shit u guys ar dumbasses, lots of people already posted the links that this is a complete hoax heres another link since u guys ar dumbasses
Omg, have you guys seen that HK movie with Miriam Yeung in it called "dumplings"? It's about how she eats dumplings made out of foetuses to make herself look younger, looks like that movie kinna imitated some people...