Virginia Tech Shooting

Discussion in 'The Lounge' started by fearless_fx, Apr 16, 2007.

  1. breakersrevenge

    breakersrevenge Well-Known Member

    as questiond in my post earliar. no one cares much for events elsewhere other than on their own door step.

    I was in London on the 7/7 bombings. I was just happy that my family were save, thats all.
    May sound I care for my own but end of the day I DO!
  2. gyyr2

    gyyr2 Well-Known Member

    Gun laws in the US has to be reviewed. it's too easy to get guns and do what you like with them. In the UK, although crime and murders are at a high rate, they are not most of the time related to guns.
  3. why did so many people got carried out by police? is that normal or something?
  4. Taxloss

    Taxloss Stripper Vicar

    ^Maybe for their own safety in case if there is another shooter out there?

    But I saw on the news that the government of South Korea had convened a speed meeting because they're worried that Koreans in the States will be faced with reprisal from angered, racists people.

    Now we all know that most people from other races can't tell the difference between the Asian races and you know what can happen. Dumb, narrow minded, racists don't care who they'll beat/kill and if they see an Asian looking person they have found their target.
  5. thanatosxvi

    thanatosxvi Active Member

    it doesnt matter what the nations may say, in the end it'll just cause problems for all asians, because people have problems identifying one form another.

    btw gun laws in the US vary by states. the northern states have harsh gun laws like in NYC, but as you go farther down south, all you need is a license and $$.
  6. Taxloss

    Taxloss Stripper Vicar

    That's why they should change the weapon laws in ALL the states, it's now too easy to get a weapon one way or another.
  7. turbobenx

    turbobenx .........

    This gunman is a Korean prick. Not racist or anything, but he's really a disgrace to koreans and all of us asians. this chump have really made an impact to all of us asians. He's the cause of some bitchass individual or should i say, "uneducated" individual that WILL stereotype us asians. Although this aint the first time that school shooting happen, but still, it broke the US history of school shooting and addition to this, this ass is asian. Fuk man. I really dunno wat to say.
  8. Xzyrus

    Xzyrus Well-Known Member

    Stupid people come from all races. I don't think it'll matter. The school shooters have come from different backgrounds but they all fit another stereotype that isn't race based. It's that they're all a quiet, lonely and mentally disturbed type. I've been seeing more of these types of things in the Canadian news after the shooting more than I have anything about races.

    The biggest problem is identifying these people and getting them assistance before they snap. How would one go about doing this? There's no special # like 911 to call for such situations. Plus there are also 'normal' quiet loner types who probably hate this even more since they'll become discriminated against now.
  9. Taxloss

    Taxloss Stripper Vicar

    ^In this case I do think the race DOES matter that he's not a white guy and it happened in the States. Not every one in the States is racist but a lot are and people with an Asian look will be faced with more discriminating because of this.

    There were some docs with hidden cameras recently shown on tv that Muslims in the States are now being treated not so nicely since 9/11. A Muslim woman wearing a headscarf walking on the street? She'll get verbal abusings thrown at her and people keep staring at her and won't help her taking a picture at the tourist spots.

    I foresee the same kind of things will happen to the Koreans/Asians -but on a smaller scale- in the States.

    No one wants these kind of things happen but it will unfortunately.
  10. Xzyrus

    Xzyrus Well-Known Member

    The way to identify terrorists is too strongly emphasized in their culture where as the way to identify school shooters is different (not culture based) so it's less likely. I won't rule it out because what you're saying does make sense since there will always be people who react negatively to this.
  11. saikira

    saikira Well-Known Member

    read in the paper that a asian guy did it, was lookin at the classroom before he started shootin, and he shot himself, is there any accomplice?
  12. hiake

    hiake Vardøgr of da E.Twin

    I guess the race issue (of the shooter) has a lot to do with the race of the victims too. If something like this happened and the convict and the victim(s) are not from the same race, people from the victim's race will get ever more aggrevated and place the blame on the race instead of on the individual.

    Consider, if in Korea, a Korean shot down a bunch of Koreans, will the news be ALL ABOUT race? No, because there isn't an underlying (racial) tension involved. However, if it's a case of victimizing another race, the news reporting will be all about the race issue (which they do not DARE to touch otherwise).

    And at the end of the day, most of us are relieved that no one from our race did something so horrid as to disgrace and help affix a label (of crazy shooters?) onto the already marginalized group of people. Many places in the world only need the slightest of provoking to rise to a riotious hate crime rampage against another race.

    BTW, I suspect the whole being carried out thing has everything to do with people fainting and wounded (don't think they are corpses).
  13. angel_dust1234

    angel_dust1234 Active Member

    it's really freaky when you realize it could be your school and your fellow students
  14. tvbcheese

    tvbcheese Sushi VIP!

    this is just like columine and university of texas shooting. i was home the other day since i have school vacation and i saw this and was devastated and felt sorry for all those who died...cho seung hui (a south korean) did all this... news said he took antidepressants and used lots of mild violence in his plays since he was an english major. cho seung hui was a "loner" as said on the news.
    virgina tech should have notified the students AFTER THE FIRST SHOOTING. this could have been prevented (meaning the second shooting)
  15. Vinnie_boy

    Vinnie_boy Well-Known Member

    OMG when i went to school today there were like 15 people saying how i look like the guy!!!
  16. BBT

    BBT Member



    ha.. stay HOME.
  17. AC0110

    AC0110 Let the Fun Begin

    Ohh... Lots of swearing there... -surr

    But I think what casshern is trying to get at is this...
    Take this for example:

    A member in your family has pass away compare to the third world country where the whole family was shot and killed

    Now who would you personally care about your family member who have decease or the family member you dont even know that's 10,000 km away...

    Obviously... you would still care about your family more...

    Well, we should also keep in mind that people are dying else where around the world... But I guess it's sorta of a human nature to feel more involve when it is close to where you lived...

    These incident happens too often (such as AIDS in Africa) and we become blind by the fact that day after day, week after week begin shown on TV or whatever...

    However, the shooting don't happen too often and that the massacre killed many highly educated student (even though we should believe all human value are equal) just die without even knowing the cause...

    But that's just my two cents...
  18. wysandman

    wysandman Well-Known Member


    i agree with 100%.
  19. hiake

    hiake Vardøgr of da E.Twin

    @AC0110: It's the shock factor that got people to CARE. Otherwise it will remain buried and gone item as a 3" item on a newspaper.
  20. miss_sb

    miss_sb Member

    i feel for those whose lives were taken in this tragic event..
    my condolences go out to all those who were affected/were at the scene..
    it must've been so traumatizing to have seen it...
    it's sad that these things happen in the world.. :(