Virginia Tech Shooting

Discussion in 'The Lounge' started by fearless_fx, Apr 16, 2007.

  1. hiake

    hiake Vardøgr of da E.Twin

    To a certain extent, my rage is more against the publicity it gets. I don't see it being SO different than being stabbed on the street or killed during robbery. The relative number of people killed in a school shooting is still quite minute comparing to killings going on everyday.
  2. casshern

    casshern Well-Known Member

    I think this post wins for most philosophical. I will be sure to nominate you for PA's next award.

    Words that symbolize daggers, shoved through my heart. Bleeding.... bleeding. :(

    No, seriously. I wish I could be more like you. Nice, popular, and intelligent. [​IMG] You must attract a lot of girls.

    Where the f-uk did I say that? I guess you completely missed my point, that, or you didn't understand a single word I said.

    There's a difference between NOT caring AT ALL, and caring LESS. How the hell are you going to condemn me for caring about my country a little more than I do for others?

    Of course American's lives are generally not any more important than the Iraqis'. But I don't think you seem to understand the difference between a WAR and a MASSACRE.

    Really, how often do you hear about 30+ students being brutally shot and murdered in a university VS. 30+ people killed in a war? A university is a place where education is put in high regards, and not much else. It is a place where young adults prepare for the rest of their lives and future. Comparing a war zone to a university is like comparing apples and oranges. The reason why it's getting so much coverage is because it's not something that normally occurs. People are ALWAYS more interested in hearing about the deaths of people they relate to because of common geography or nationality. It's HUMAN NATURE, if you know what that is. No value judgments are made about the "importance" of the lives lost.

    The horrors of Iraq are rarely not included in the daily news, anyway. What else is there to say about it? What more do you want? It's happening everyday, it would be pretty ridiculous to give every incident in Iraq blanket coverage. Only attacks that cause HUGE death tolls or unique attacks would justify that.

    A death is sad no matter who or where, but to compare war zone deaths to that of the murder of kids in a classroom is plain retarded.

    If that doesn't come off as fu-ked up to you then I don't know what does. Your argument about the wars/atrocities going on in other parts of the world is irrelevant. If someone you knew died, would you appreciate someone saying to you, "Yeah, but a lot of other people died today, so what's the problem?" Because that's basically what you said, and don't even f-uking try to deny it cause I got that sh!t quoted.
  3. breakersrevenge

    breakersrevenge Well-Known Member


    If someone said that to me, I would be angry, may be angry enough to fcuking beat them!
  4. Knoctur_nal

    Knoctur_nal |Force 10 from Navarone|

    Well aren't you the self righteous fucker today. Now, from what you said in your previous all caring posts, "To understand pain, we have to experience it personally and that can't happen when the pain in thousands of miles away." Now if that isn't something i don't know what is. A tragedy happens, all of a sudden the world comes together and we send out condolences, sure, its the right thing, and sure, we only care because its close to home. We only bother when its close to home, and that can't be changed,now, with your idea there, a death is a death right, so what difference does it make if its on another continent. Get this mind set out of your head and comparing this to a war. Read my comments. Car bombings, women having their breasts cut off, children being raped and tortured. Violence is in the news every fucking day. Thats how often you hear about it. You dumb fuck, this is not comparing a war zone to a university, its extreme violence in parts of the world on a daily basis. You live in your sheltered middle class world and all of a sudden you are righteous as this incident hits close to home. True, it affects us, but what happens after. Right, you go on with your life and fuck what ever else is happening. We are shaped by violence around us, no matter if its close to home or millions of miles away. However, it just happening on a daily basis and far more worse that you can imagine from your comfortable suburban house. All of a sudden we all unite, pretty selfish in my opinion. A victim is a victim non the less, and a pity there are victims, but when we only acknowledge it only when it is in house, seems we are only caring when it concerns us. Agreed, this is the way society is. We only get involved when it hits close to home. A shame we are so ignorant to whats happening to the rest of the world.
  5. pongalong

    pongalong Member

    maybe i'm the only one who'll say this, and i am NOT trying to justify what that person has done, but i was watching an interview and there were two guys that said that they did the best that they could do. yeah RIGHT. if the asian dude sent an IM to the roomate's friend saying "I might as well kill myself right now" doesn't that yell RED FLAG? they said they called the police on him "hoping that it would help" yeah.. you guys helped push him over the top! it only adds more fire to the fuel. i know this is contradictory, but it just makes me kind of sad that people did not really do anything to make the situation better. he showed signs of being mentally disturbed for quite some time... where is this "We tried everything we could" shit coming from. people who weren't even on a close basis with him were saying that. fuck he had no friends! so i don't understand why people are saying that they did their best because if you look at someone like he's a freak, HOW DO YOU THINK HE FEELS? which was basically what they were doing, they were isolating him. i guess i understand, kind of, why they were doing that, but they can't just act like they had absolutely no part in his massacre.

    and that interviewer PISSED me off! he asked questions with such disdain, and questions like "and what were you feeling after you found out what he has done" like they're going to answer WE FELT GREAT?! holy shit what type of fucking question was that.

    this whole thing is so sad. i pray for the families whose son/daughter were victims of the massacre. but most of all i pray for the murderer himself. shit..he's going on a one-way path to hell for committing the ultimate sin.

    and someone who's catholic, please explain to me WHY suicide is the ultimate sin. i go to a catholic school and we learned about suicide in religion class. they say someone who murders other people may be forgiven, if they truly repent to God and are sorry for what they have done. yet someone who kills himself or herself severs his or her own relationship with God and will never be forgiven, thus sent to hell. now, why is it that the murderer who has killed MANY people can go to heaven, be it that he repents, but the person who committed suicide goes straight to hell, no questions asked..? i asked my teacher that and she said that murderers have a chance to repent where as if someone killed him/herself, then they don't have a chance to repent. but isn't there judgement day? i just don't understand.. either way this guy's fucked cause he did both.
  6. casshern

    casshern Well-Known Member

    You keep repeating yourself with your lame @$$ arguments. Stop ignoring my questions! WTF???

    You didn't answer AC0110's questions either. Are you stuck???!

    You need to learn how not to read everything literally/selectively. I said

    Do you honestly think I'm unaware of the killings that are happening around the world? Do you really? I didn't say "f-uk the rest of the world" you were shoving words down my throat. "To understand pain, we have to experience it personally and that can't happen when the pain in thousands of miles away" means that it's harder to experience pain when the victims involved do not directly relate to us. F-uk. Read between the lines.

    For the 93480598350874305934875 time, I didn't say I didn't care about the deaths on other continents. I said it's more DIFFICULT to care. Do you know the meanings of the words " more difficult"?

    I read your comments, f-uker.

    You weren't comparing it to a war? Then WTF is this?????

    I guess your smart self didn't know that Iraq is in the middle east, and that the killings in Darfur are considered WAR crimes.

    I love the hypocrasy you seem to display. So you care about the killings that are happening around the world, but when 30+ students die in one day in one setting, you think it's a small matter. I guess you don't realise that numbers add up.

    Because of this tragedy, colleges are now taking more preventative measures and creating more policies to prevent similar incidents from happening in the future.

    And besides sympathizing with the familes during this time, wtf else do you expect us to do? So if we ignore them, we're cold hearted bastards, but when we sympathize with them it's uneccessary. There's no winning for us here, is there?

    Again, my question was WHAT DO YOU SUGGEST THAT WE DO? Ignore the incident and discontinue consoling the victims' families, because there are far worse things happening around the world? Is telling people "Your son is dead, but someone else's daughter in Antarctica also died, so why should I give a f-uk about your son?" what we should've done?

    Yeah, if you're not going to answer my questions, then just stfu.
  7. AC0110

    AC0110 Let the Fun Begin

    To be honest, sucide is not the ultimate sin only when:
    (I lost my source, but I honestly remeber reading this article)

    1) You are unable to think properly anymore as you are unable
    2) You are unable to make a right or wrong decision

    If they knowingly killing an innocent person and does not repent, then "Yes", they go to Hell (if it exist)
    If they knowingly killing an innocent person and does repent, then "No", they will probably go to purgatory then slowly make their way to Heaven (if it exist)

    Thus, someone commit sucide can not be forgiven because they are not cleanse from their sins. Thus, "Thou shall not kill" is in the 10 commandment. If you unable to wash away those sin before you die (especially the 10 commandment), then most likly you will to to Hell (if it exist)

    Judgement day is the day where you get evaluated, and that it will determine whether you go to "Hell, Purgatory, Heaven"... It has nothing to do with repent. That's why the Catholic chuch teaches us to be prepare for "Judgement day" so that when it comes, we are able to to Heaven.
  8. on a side note... theres a tribute song from Jin somewhere...
  9. Knoctur_nal

    Knoctur_nal |Force 10 from Navarone|

    Alright. First off, Darfur is tribal. Not sure if your sheltered life remembered what happened in the congo. Now shut the fuck up and leave the discussion as it is. They are related as they are tribal based. Secondly, lets leave this as it is. No sense carrying this on as we have a difference of opinions. Let this discussion die here.
  10. ^ well said knoc.

    in this time of sadness, lets dedicate a few moments of silence out of respect for those whose lives where unfairly taken away..

    pray for those injured in the incident..
  11. adrianc

    adrianc Well-Known Member


    Looks like the asian dood did some damage on the net as well with his shooting.
  12. Silent111

    Silent111 Well-Known Member

  13. benjwang

    benjwang Well-Known Member

  14. lee-lee

    lee-lee Well-Known Member

    sick sick sick sick sick sick sick...
  15. Knoctur_nal

    Knoctur_nal |Force 10 from Navarone|

    we share the similar views.
  16. @ benfag: whatever you say son -whistle

    cuz i got better things to do with my time than spend it uselessly on your worthless comments.

    if not flamed by me, then by another.

    * and lee-lee is correct. have at least enough respect for those who were lost during the tragedy. its obvious that your just self-conscious, always looking to win your fights. but i have the greatest respect for the deceased and will stop this ridiculous argument. say whatever you wanna say benjwang, cuz i dont give a damn.

    good day to you.
  17. Knoctur_nal

    Knoctur_nal |Force 10 from Navarone|

    alright. i'm not pointing fingers. it ends here or posts will be deleted that led up to this.
  18. Knoctur_nal

    Knoctur_nal |Force 10 from Navarone|

    Thanks lee. No worries dan. Alright ben. Its left alone. Don't continue. Back to the thread topic.
  19. kdotc

    kdotc 안녕하세요빅뱅K-Dragon입니다

    not cool man...ppl were making jokes about it....fuking chef was like " doesn't he look like that guy from the shooting..but without glassses" i know he's jokin but its not really somethign to joke about
  20. benjwang

    benjwang Well-Known Member

    i agree grow up guys, don't make fun of this