Well there's only two children in my family and I'm the younger one. I think I don't fit this list very well I have more characteristics of the first child than the second even though I have some in second too.......oh well XD very interesting read
Youngest Child Last Born Characteristics * Risk takers sorta true * Outgoing true * Idea people sorta true * Creative not true * Sense of Humor true * Feels everyone is more competent sorta true * Expects others to do things for them sorta true * Feels small and weaker not true * May not be taken seriously in the family not true * Gets their own way true * Competitive sorta true * If younger of three allies with oldest against middle sorta true * May be jealous of privileges older children have not true * May push older kids buttons by manipulation true * Often the class clown not true ^ i guess majority of them relate to me
hmm.. dont think this list applies to all.. more than half the list is untrue in my case.. btw i'm the youngest =P
haha.. this is jus a generic list of characteristics common in children based on their birth order, so of cos it doesn't apply to all. Every individual is different.. it would have been more surprising if everyone said that its true for them. then again, we dun even know if there was a proper study done in the first place.. haha. no source cited.. so just take it with a pinch of salt..
haha i somewhat agree to the things of the middle child hehe! i guess its just way things are? 2nd child has to rebelious?? >< i want two children tho
Middle Child of 3 children family Characteristics I am the middle child out of 3 and the following characteristics describe me * Flexible * Easy Going * Loyal * Peacemaker * Generous * May feel life is unfair * May feel squeezed out and unloved * May feel out of place in the family * Adaptable I find that I do the most housework in the family. My older sister is bossy and my younger sister is spoiled because she is the youngest.