Virginia Tech Massacre: Stereotype or discrimination?

Discussion in 'The Lounge' started by turbobenx, Apr 18, 2007.

  1. OmgZ!
    I saw the video he made this morning...
    And the pics >.<
  2. ch0ps7ix

    ch0ps7ix Well-Known Member

    from what i heard in the video it seem to me that some frat bois reeaaallly fu*ked around with him.... bad enough for him to seek revenge on all rich kids....crazy???....ppl do crazy things when thier mad.....

    what was the question of this thread....if stereotypes or discrimination is to come from this????...... well to me seems like both......but not of asians......just americans.......ahy knoc.... last time students went into a school and shot up fellow students in america was 10 years ago at collumbine.......we americans do care but how do u stop a student from bringing a gun to school n shotting ppl???its an impossible task that cannot be acomplish....unless u turn schools into prisons n screen everyone that walks in n out... just my view on it ....but hay im could just be my ignorance.....
  3. haun

    haun Well-Known Member

    medias have always been bias............................................
  4. hiake

    hiake Vardøgr of da E.Twin

    I don't think it is being discriminatory to mention his continental origin. However I found it kind of odd to mention him being Korean.

    Since Asian indicates skin colour, while Korean doesn't really indicate anything further than skin colour. It's like criminal profiling, you would say "caucasian male of 6' in height" or "asian female approx. 5'6" in height".

    However, the reason why Columbine didn't indicate the shooter being Caucasian is that it was first ASSUMED to be white. Thus the clarification of being Asian and Korean required in V Tech shooting case.

    Like in the other thread I posted, you won't say a Korean shooter in a shooting rampage happening in Korea, because it is ASSUMED to be a Korean. But you would say it's a white shooter the same context.
  5. kdotc

    kdotc 안녕하세요빅뱅K-Dragon입니다

    and u konw wat...the usa and north korea don't even get along
  6. deeleechan

    deeleechan New Member

    We just wish not become racial slur
  7. hiake

    hiake Vardøgr of da E.Twin

    ^ Don't we all, but it will always be. Because we identify much of ourselves on the race level, in-group vs. out-group thing.
  8. laziboi

    laziboi Well-Known Member

    yahoo news page is actually filled up with this story. also saw the pics, he looks totally fcuked.
  9. Knoctur_nal

    Knoctur_nal |Force 10 from Navarone|

    The fact that he is non white will obviously cause an issue for those so called pure or extremist americans. On an incident of this scale, profiling will happen. As said earlier, ignorance is a prevailing theme.
  10. hiake

    hiake Vardøgr of da E.Twin

    ^ Don't we all wish to KNOW (as in fact wise, not just belief wise) that it's the evil evil outsider, particularly and preferably of different race, who do all the evil deed so that we can ride our moral high horse =_=b

    And the delusion that the above statement is TRUE is the cause of ignorance. Different skin colour = EVIL! If only life is that simple.
  11. Knoctur_nal

    Knoctur_nal |Force 10 from Navarone|

    In looking back to my notes, there was also another incident like this in the early 90's or late 80's of a student with an asian background also going on a shooting rampage. I can't recollect what the aftermath was though, although he didn't get a chance to kill some many people as this incident. I guess one must also look at where the most damage will be done in this, the high schools and university's, i assume. I mean, kids are particularly stupid these, whether it be university or high school, some stupid and ignorant incidents are bound to happen.
  12. fearless_fx

    fearless_fx Eugooglizer

    you have notes? >.< u keepin track of racist incidents lol? Knoc the conspiracy theorist
  13. turbobenx

    turbobenx .........

    na man, since this chump is mentally ill, i dont think any racial shit will happen. However, there might be some pricks or "uneducated" bitches out there that might yell out some corny shits. Whos knows? but it might happen in one outta five chances.
  14. benjwang

    benjwang Well-Known Member

    whether u guys want to admit it or not, racial typing and stereotyping are natural and almost ingrain. whether u say it out loud of fess-up is another story. but we all do it. and if u deny it u are lying.
  15. p3ps1c0la

    p3ps1c0la Well-Known Member

    Maybe a little but I'm not going to worry about it. If people want to be assholes about it go ahead. No sweat off my lefty.
  16. wysandman

    wysandman Well-Known Member

    I agree, who cares what ppl think of orientals after this incident, most ppl in america still disrepects us anyways.
    That probably why this incident happen, the y dissrespected a mentally distrubed oriental.
  17. DuchSauce

    DuchSauce Well-Known Member

    Orientals? We're not rugs. But who cares, there are always going to be racist people.
  18. thanatosxvi

    thanatosxvi Active Member

    there is always going to be racism, sexism, classism (wealthism) etc...
    the distrubed kid actually used most of these as his reasons for what he did. no matter where we go or what we do, we will always classify people for what they do, where they're from, or how they act. asians do it amongst asians also. we divide ourselves from FOBs and ABCs, smart azns, dumb azns,
  19. smallrinilady

    smallrinilady Well-Known Member

    i'm really mad that he was an international student

    immigration issues are getting worse and worse now
    and this incident will probebly have the bill makers re thinking
    and making things even harder
  20. SpareribsQ

    SpareribsQ Active Member

    did this incident change people's perception of Asians? yep, i guess they won't look at the quiet shy types the same way.