haha.. im quite surprise you let him off on this.. cos I tot it was totally ridiculous Thread Title: Asia is big lol.. and yes.. he started that thread... in the Drama Discussion Archive.. Is this not considered spam? Cos it seems totally irrelevant at all.. well.. just pointing out in case you might have missed it. http://www.dramasian.com/showthread.php?t=14045
im just soo tempted to post in that thread: "You are a flipping retard. Asia is as big as a flipping pea. smartass."
User Boksiu was definitely spamming, and copying posts too =_=b Me fell victim in the Top/Least Favorite Films of 2006 thread...
was he copying or commenting on your list? as i just came across this...hmph...also see him in a couple other posts..
hmm.. might wanna close this thread. think it attracts more spam.. http://www.dramasian.com/showthread.php?p=232680#post232680
this is not a spam but i was surprised to see this thread in the Philosophy and religion section. The topic was Worse religion and omg, this is just plain insult. He can discuss on the 'unfairness' of the religion but sayin it as the worst religion? that's another matter and if any Muslims read it they would definitely be insulted. It shouldn't be allowed imo. http://www.dramasian.com/showthread.php?t=9991 Maybe the mods can do sth about it.
i agree thanks for letting us know... it's not a discussion when he doesn't state why he think's that particular religion is the "worst". therefore thread is deleted for offensive reasons.