Sorry Ecko for offending you. I didn't know you had small titties, I'll send you a bog roll to fill out your tripple A cups with tissue. There's no reason to be ashamed, post a photo on this thread and I'll give you an honest opinion if they're small.
@KingPin: Not true. The most common cosmetic procedure is liposuction, not the saline insertion (aka boob job) you mentioned. @Vin: Yeah, I am rationally enjoying this really distrubing conversation going on here. It's almost like watching a human die and become a zombie, the level of disturbing is almost there... -devil @kdotc: Don't tell me you are not enjoying this, you're just lying thru your teeth. @XJ: So true. LOL And this thread is THIS close to a flame war...
Who started this thread. You should be ashamed. This is male mysogynistic propaganda designed to humilate our female friends. Shame on you aishiteru4. Its been nice speaking to everyone! Good night!
Yes but its getting to the point where it aint disturbing no more and is approaching the point of horrific.
ive got the feeling u wont get green light for the DL section. whoops! anywayz OT! big or small who cares? its about the personality right? or am i like the only one thinking like that over here? -boat
errr. sensitive issue...didn;t vote. what does the poll say? big or small? I wonder if the girls will start a thread about penis size.
Really big aishiteru4, limbo, mikeyh, rsx, Thisdamngood 5 83.33% Really small blazeyama there should be 3rd option.. "I DONT CARE"
i dont really get why there is sucha big discussion about this anyway.. especially how offensive kingpin is towards others, thats not really the best way to show how u are as a new member. everyone has his own opinion, if u get horney of someone with big or little boobies its ur choice.. even if u get a hard one of man with boobs its the way u like it.. and u should actully respect others decision / opinion.. but if u start making jokes about this kinda things then u should just dont post, since some people does take this serious and u maybe will hurt the female posters on PA