2 Boyfriends?

Discussion in 'Love and Relationships' started by Phambulous, Apr 23, 2007.

  1. Phambulous

    Phambulous Member

    Have you ever been in a serious relationship, but still kind of want more?

    First off, I am in a very loving and commited relationship with my boyfriend of 4 yrs. I had the weirdest convo with my him yesterday.

    Our relationship takes up so much time that he hardly gets anything done. We live together, and he loves spending time with me... there is never a dull moment, but I distract him a LOT from his work and projects. Yesterday I asked if I could have another boyfriend... LoL I know, a little whore-y, but he's the first one I've ever been with. He didn't really turn it down to my surprise. We both know we are going to be together, but this is just a temporary fix for me... If we do do this, I will only be with someone that can accept our crazy realationship and most important, someone who gets along with hm.

    Now the question is... what do you think of this, and will it work?

    One more thing, I've never cheated on him or ever plan to... but if he agrees to the second boyfriend, it can't be cheating, right?
  2. xiaojia

    xiaojia Well-Known Member

    ^ this is soooooooooo weird... its like official 3p couple..

    Are you like looking for love or??
  3. kdotc

    kdotc 안녕하세요빅뱅K-Dragon입니다

    lol u r weird!!! i konw u want a 3 some ;)...............i can guaranteee he'll say no to u haveing another bf
  4. Phambulous

    Phambulous Member

    Hmm More like someone to go out with, but closer than a friend. My boyfriend will take no part in being with another guy, just me. Same with the 2nd boyfriend too. Is it just too weird or impossible?
  5. Phambulous

    Phambulous Member

    Hahah... I don't know... he's prety confident in our relationship. He knows I love him, and trusts me without an end. He doesn't see that much wrong in another boyfriend as long as I'm still with him.
  6. kdotc

    kdotc 안녕하세요빅뱅K-Dragon입니다

    lol how about u tell him he can have another gf too ;)
  7. chookie

    chookie Active Member

    i had been into this kind of situation before. when i was in a relationship, i liked someone else as the same time. but i didnt tell anyone. but one day, i told my bf, and we started a really big fight, and he said he would let me decide if i wanna stay with him or leave him....
    the thing is that even when guys say they dont really care, sometimes they do. if you boyfriend says yes about the 2nd boyfriend. i really dont think it will work out at all. he will eventually get jealous and starts having all these fights. and love is unexpected. you can be falling in love with the other guy.
  8. Phambulous

    Phambulous Member

    I did... that's not a problem with me. He can have another gf! =] He says if I want to do this, then we'll talk more about it, but he doesn't want another gf. The reason why this is all happening is he's not getting any work done with me around all the time, so another girl would only add to the complications. Hahah
  9. Phambulous

    Phambulous Member

    Totally get what you mean. My boyfriend is a pretty confident and very smart guy. His philosphy is that he's given me everything he's got, and if I end up leaving him... he did all he can. I'm the same way too, but he's been so busy... and I know a few guys who would love to jump on this twisted train. LoL
  10. kdotc

    kdotc 안녕하세요빅뱅K-Dragon입니다

    lol..........so hows ur sex life...jks sjks...i do'nt wanna know....................well if he understands ur situation then goood luck to u =)...how old r u =p
  11. Phambulous

    Phambulous Member

    hahahha I'm turning 21 in May... maybe this is my bday present? LoL JK
  12. chookie

    chookie Active Member

    haha. your so lucky. i wish my boyfriend is like yours. my boyfriend is very sensitive. he doesnt let me do a lot of things like wearing tank top, skirts. not even talking to guys. it kind of sucks
  13. Phambulous

    Phambulous Member

    I used to be like that... extremely jealous, but it's really all about communication with your partner that changes EVERYTHING. We all have a jealous streak in us, but that's normal. How does he feel about you on this forum? With guys on it and all?
  14. kdotc

    kdotc 안녕하세요빅뱅K-Dragon입니다

    rn't u still in skooooll or do u work??? u're not that oldd..i wanan move out toooo...u konw any rich hot girls? lol
  15. xiaojia

    xiaojia Well-Known Member

    I was looking for a jaw drop emoticon.. couldn't find one..


    This expresses what I'm thinking now..
  16. are u abusing his trust?
  17. Phambulous

    Phambulous Member

    I'm in school (busi major), we're planning to start a business in a few months. Yay!
    Hot, rich girls are meaner... is that ok with you? LoL
  18. Phambulous

    Phambulous Member

    I really am not... I am one of the few who find it extremely hard to lie, I tried before when I was doing a prank, but everyone usually figures it out... hahaha

    Speaking of pranks, we're planning to do one on my friend this weekend... I'm hoping I can pull it off... hahah so gay
  19. fearless_fx

    fearless_fx Eugooglizer

    some crazy shit up in this thread
  20. xiaojia

    xiaojia Well-Known Member

    Yea.. but what exactly are you looking for? Or what do you expect to get from a 2nd concurrent relationship? I'm really curious whats the reason that makes you want more..