Maybe you should find out if you're a lesbian or not, I don't really know how you could do that. Because if you aren't a lesbian, there's no need to possibly weird out your best friend. Good Luck
Its a thin line between sisterly love.. and lesbian love.. It is normal for even the best of frens to drift apart.. and its also normal to feel upset depending on your personality. But do you think of her all day? Picture her naked b4? Feel turn on? hmm.. dun have to answer them here.. just thinking these qns might help you figure out the differences there..
Lol it is most certainly complicated i currently have a boyfriend, but i dont know beign alone seems something very natural to me i prefer my friends comapny over my boyfriends.
i agree with xioajia. maybe b4 u tell ur friend about ur feelings (since u haven't figured it out yet), maybe just talk to her about the friendship itself. drifting apart in friendships occur (especially once high school ends) but maybe u can work that out with her. tell her that u want to stay in touch (ex, calling each other a certain out of a week, or have shopping day, or studying day, w/e) keep her in ur life for now.
As easy as you make it sounds its not that simple sometimes she wants me there and sometimes is like she docent want me as past of her life anymore
It's probably just the feeling of seperating from a really close friend. I know females tend to be a lot more sensitive when it comes to departing from a close one. Do you have these feelings with other females. Are there any problems with you and ur bf?
We'll to be honest anything revolving sex or sexual is terribly appaling to me ^_^U. Me and my boyfriend were ok you could say
WHOA!! this turns out to be hotter than I thought... -lol ahahhaa what's up with these girls posting threads about.. wanting "more"
she was prolly a really good friend n you miss her thas all... although next time if you see her.. give her one of these.. -kiss1 and if it looks something like this.... then youll know..... -cool2