Canto lyrics writer is not a easy job, to find the exact words to key the music. That is usually mandarin songs sound better. For me Alain Tam songs are good in this sense.
This is Eason Chan 陳奕迅's K歌之王 [HIDE]Cantonese verion: Mandarin verion:[/HIDE] Let the music do the talking
I can understand both so I really think it depends on the content of the song. Both languages sound good to me, but if they lyrics are wack I wont like it! nt the opera type - high pitched ones ><"....canto yea i majority is mandarin ^^
i can't really comment coz i always listen to chinese music.. hmmm.. canto music are nice too.. even if i don't understand certain songs are still pleasent to listen to
seriouslly depends on the singer. I think that Eason Chan's canto songs are much better than his mandarin songs. Also it depends on the lyrics, some of Eason Chan's mandarin lyrics don't make any sense It also has to do with the singer's fluency in the dialect. If the singer just suck at speaking canto, then he/she would generally sould bad singing in canto and vice verca for mandarin. It might also have to do with whether you understand the dialect. Generally, people will prefer songs that they understand more. And people like Edison Chan = a lost cost >_> Just my opinion tho ^_^
im only into canto, dont like listening too mando, but honestly mando better music, like if you dont listen to the person singing..i think its mainly cause of the lack of talented people in hk, but then again there's like 100s times more ppl in taiwan/china than in hk