Wouldnt it be amazing if...

Discussion in 'The Lounge' started by MasterJin, Apr 25, 2007.

  1. MasterJin

    MasterJin Well-Known Member

    I was on my way to work yesterday, sitting on the bus as usual, watching life pass by.
    I saw many things from seeing people drive expensive cars to people shopping in expensive shops.

    I thought to myself, wouldnt it be amazing if money didnt exist?

    Things would given to you, if you did a certain amount of good things.
    This way people who do good deeds get good things and people who do bad deeds get nothing.

    People agree/disagree with this???

    Came up with another one, on my way back from work.

    Wouldnt it amazing if The Matrix was true and i was The One, who was destined to save mankind???

    LOL. HAHAHA. Just kidding ofcourse.

    Share your amazing thoughts.
  2. rNb99

    rNb99 Well-Known Member

    i like your thinking. money is everything to some people but not to me.
  3. MasterJin

    MasterJin Well-Known Member

    Thanks. I just think so many people are obsessed with the amount of money they have. They dont even need that much. I mean seriously, what is a person going to do with a Million $$$??? Money is not everything to me. I just hope to live a life where i can live comfortably.
  4. SugaCutie0

    SugaCutie0 Well-Known Member

    In the states, the Super Bowl that aired I think that was back in Feb lol (not a big sports person) I heard there was some guy that paid 1. -million dollars, for a commercial slot, just to propose to his gf... No one should have that kind of money to use so frivolously when there are children starving to death and people living on the street.. Anyway, I kinda agree with you, when people become obsessed with it, that's sad, because most likely they obtained all that money at the expense of something more important, like spending time with their fam.. Money cant buy back all that time lost.
  5. MasterJin

    MasterJin Well-Known Member

    So true SugaCutieO. Ive even got friends that are obsessed with making so much money, buying this many things. Life is more than just about money. Look at Bill Gates for instance. I bet he could feed the whole of the African continent with the money he has. But do you see it happening? No.

    Greed is a fat demon with a small mouth and whatever you feed it is never enough.
    Janwillem van de Wetering
    #5 MasterJin, Apr 25, 2007
    Last edited: Apr 25, 2007
  6. ab289

    ab289 Well-Known Member

    sounds like China or other Communist country. hehe ... I saw a documentary ... that's how it is in North Korea. you do your part and the government takes care of everything else.

    Not my thing ...
  7. Silent111

    Silent111 Well-Known Member

    Money is a needed concept. You could say "Things would given to you, if you did a certain amount of good things." but how would you measure how much you've done and how much you get? Money is the measure of this "quantity". Before there was money people would just trade one object for another which wasn't always fair.

    The only way your idea could work is if God comes and personally gives things to you for good deeds done. And of course I do think he does. I mean what comes around goes around right? The problem is that there would be no "fair" way to do this without a being who is unbiased in all ways.

    Nice try though :p
  8. dim8sum

    dim8sum ♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪....

    which to an extent is why North Korea remains one of the poorest countries ever... Just doesnt work. Even China adopts an commercial style economy and not a communist one

    money, unfortunetly, makes the world go round. It would be great if this world didnt have money, but i cant see imagine it
  9. kdotc

    kdotc 안녕하세요빅뱅K-Dragon입니다

    no money = terrible economy = no jobs = LOOOT!
  10. no money = less criminals like Kdtoc... -lol

    or maybe that would be more...??
  11. DuchSauce

    DuchSauce Well-Known Member

    I say there should be a luxury tax and revenue sharing like there is in baseball...
  12. Vinnie_boy

    Vinnie_boy Well-Known Member

    but without money how would we get stuff? but it would lower crime and also maybe make people less selfish
  13. kdotc

    kdotc 안녕하세요빅뱅K-Dragon입니다

    ecko watch ur back lol.........no money or money....the leng lui will always b with me=)
  14. lol you watch your back son!! cuz I might have to report your inadequate working abilities to handle money to your employer!!
  15. nyckeion

    nyckeion ....Boo....

    well according to what has been said like what you say if things are giving to you by the good deeds you have done then .... why would they have comepteition and without competition why is there so many stores.....for instance why would gucci spend their time designing when what they do is the same as gap? and how about cars why are cars price differently?? because its the quailty so why would ppl spend the time to make the cars for u if its only good deeds that you are doing... So i want to know lets just say the guy who makes the cars get something what is it can he get a house , another car, food?? its just to hard for anything without a standard currency of value
  16. wind2000

    wind2000 Self Schemata

    What happens if an individual is handicapped, then they wont get anything since they cant work.
  17. hiake

    hiake Vardøgr of da E.Twin

    It is good theoretically, but like wind2000 said it wouldn't be fair to people with disability.

    Plus, define good things. Does a garbage collecter get the same amount of "good things" as a doctor? A teacher more than a call centre representative? If you just give the same amoung of "good things" to all works universally, nobody will work the less-than-desirable jobs. Then you need a "matching the work with the reward" system, where it will just revert back to the money system.

    It's like the idealistic communist society, everyone get to get food and housing, but you don't get to keep any property. You want a PS3? You want a better car? You want nice clothes? You won't get them unless everyone else in the society gets it.
  18. wind2000

    wind2000 Self Schemata

    Yes theoretically its good, same concept with communism where there would be no upper/ middle/ lower classes and that everybody is equal but is it really feasible, not at all. Wherever there's human emotions, there would always be competition to be the better one. Money in someways is good because it stimulates ppl to become better than what they are.
  19. fearless_fx

    fearless_fx Eugooglizer

    i'm quite the opposite dude... i walk down the street and see people shopping and driving expensive cars and tihnk.. "Wouldn't it be nice if i had more money?" :)
  20. xiaojia

    xiaojia Well-Known Member

    ^ then would it be amazing for you if money dropped from heaven or grow in trees?

    haha.. but then again.. if that happened, money would be meaningless.. which it is.. ironically.. :)