Drifting refers to a driving technique and to a sport based on the technique. A car is said to be drifting when the rear slip angle is greater than the front slip angle, and the front wheels are pointing in the opposite direction to the turn (e.g. car is turning left, wheels are pointed right), and the driver is controlling these factors. What do you think of drifting cars? - Very cool and the ultimate way of controling a car - Stupid, you can't win a GP with it. - I dunno, I don't drive Here is a sample of drifting cars: [youtube]Ct1QpC8dRFw[/youtube][youtube]wJieMPX5vdY[/youtube]
initial d + takumi =D too bad theres no fwd drifting... its just... understeer lolz >< i want an rwd!! i rekon its so cool if u can control it, of course in safe conditions =)
Hehe obviously Awesome -_-, That song comes to mind from tokyo drift by terayaki boyz or something^^ Drift..drift..drift!!
I get the feeling that drifting is a sport only popular in Asia. Outside Asia, I actually never witness such an event.
Not really Mav. the U.S is catching onto drifting really fast. Like how Vaughn Gitten won a D1 title with his mustang. Except U.S are using cars like monaros and stangs sigh....kind of ruins the JDM theme But back to the topic lol. Um yeah drifting is a good technique to learn...could save your life in the wet :O + it looks good and you can show off hehe i was just watching it last week at the boostcruising event lol. They sure know how to waste tyres lol
I like watching JGTC, its quickly becoming more popular in the US. Drifting is cool but keep it on the track.
pshhhhhhhhhhhhhhh i can do that.............................................................in neeed for speed lol
Says who? [youtube]x6thh_Iw92w[/youtube] [youtube]EFUegaEibwE[/youtube] But yes, more drifting techniques are available to RWD cars, just don't rule all FWD cars out As for understeering... my FWD GTI is setup to slightly oversteer. All depends on how you setup your ride.
A couple of year ago, I have seen some HK Chinese doing it in HK. But their technique is just not good enough
lol this is how i take every clear corner in the winter... cuz my car is FWD and underpowered the only way i can powerslide at angles like this are on ice and with the e-brake...