What would you settle for in a life partner? You can only choose from the options below: 1. Ugly and overweight/underweight but nice and faithful, average in finances, eager to please in bed 2. Old & ugly but filthy rich and nice, experienced in bed 3. Average Joe/Plain Jane (meaning less than average looking), nice but will always be just average in finances & dull in bed 4. Hot looking, good in bed, generous with money, being sweet to you (coz he/she is cheatin!) but unfaithful 5. Average looking, nice, careful with money but dull and boring in bed 6. Average looking, careful with money, faithful, OK in bed but not a nice person (bad-tempered, mean, etc) Please state your gender too
There i have edited it... I am just doing a fun survey of which type of partner of the above choices can people most tolerate and settle down for.
LOL, so that's what's up. This is tough, I don't want to settle, but I will choose 4 but I won't sign a prenuptial.
Oh it's OK. What i mean life partner doesn't necessarily means getting married. But something permanent, long-term lover, that sort of thing. Meaning it's not just for an affair/fling coz if that's the case, i think most people would go for number 4.
Doh... it's just a fun survey. Doesn't mean ur life partner haf to turn up exactly like the one listed above I am just curious what would people tolerate , ugliness, or unfaithfulness, or lack of money, or havin bad sex, or not being treated nicely.
okay. in that case, i would choose 5. there is NO WAY i would deal with unfaithfulness. i would kill him!
hahahaha...oh gosh...u and all the "what ifs"...yes, if i love him. yes i would stick with him. as for the sex thing...it's called the rabbit. hahahaha
Geez, those are some messed up choices. I'll choose none and play the field. Oh, I'm male. Almost forgot -- to answer.
If you can't choose, does that mean you won't settle down until you find a perfect partner? Nobody's perfect... I think i can settle for the dull in bed... haha or maybe i'll just go for the hot one and close one eye.