Vote! Which would u prefer? Good looks or character? Have u been in a relationship with a good-looking person and stayed in the relationship just because of his/her looks even though you were treated like dirt? I know some people do that. Have you been in love with a great character person and do not care about his/her looks? Ideally i would go for both, but realistically, i'd settle for average looks and good character.
Same answer as you babyrain! I personally would never ever stay in a relationship with a good looking person who will treats me as dirt! That's just sad.
Realistically, I look for an interesting (not exactly the same as "good") and forego the look department. As long as the person is not horrible looking (since many like to assume worst case scenario), I would be attracted to interesting characters.
Looks are important to me, but they aren't the deciding factor. if you don't look above average, I won't give you that much of my attention. But if you only have looks and a horrible personality I'll move on really quick. Its unfortunate for the girls who are great, but only so-so looking. I need to be attracted both physically and mentally.
Not to burst ur bubble guys, but if u wanna go for a good-looking plus good character person whom is available, that's gonna be very tough to find So far i haven't known any good-looking guy PLUS good character yet... haha.
it is best if a girl possesses em' both =D but realistically a girl with average looks and good character is what im looking for in a serious/long term r'ship
im goin for both must be good. though its a bit tough to find. so i wouldnt mind settling for average look, good character.
Average/good character would suffice for me. If a meet a guy that is both good looks and good character, I'm pretty sure I wouldn't turn that down.
For a gal, I'm sure she wants great character and it's ok for average looks. Sure everyone wants the best but it's very very very hard to find huh. I expected the guys to vote for "good looks" though. ^^ me wan good character and average looks. Not too picky
Average looks + good character. But then again.. both are subjective. I might have very high standards of what average means.. -evil