Dont know if u guys have played this before... Was lookin thru my pictures of first year in uni and remmeber this game we used to play.. aparently its really famous in korea but ouch... a sore back after..
i wouldnt mind taking part in this game, if all the participants are girls, and im the only guy -innocent2 -lol
I've played that before, we call it Buck-Buck. First team forms a line, the other team jumps on top and tries to get the standing team to topple over. Then switch
LMAo... hahahahha now that ish's hilarious... imagine you gotta chant it out before you jump like... 'Buck Buck Jump on that ass... -rotfl ahhahah -lol
LMAO... hahahah jump on my ass... xD omfg I can't believe you said that... -lol... now there's an example of a girl who can 'crack jokes' hahaha